Imperative of German verb aufbringen

The conjugation of aufbringen (bring up, upset) in the imperative is: bringe (du) auf, bringen wir auf, bringt (ihr) auf, bringen Sie auf. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense bring. The endings -e, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem. The prefix auf- of aufbringen is separated.The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person singular.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in imperative. Comments


Translation of German aufbringen

German aufbringen
English bring up, upset, capture, spread, summon up, raise, muster, apply
Russian пускать в обращение, пустить в обращение, вводить в обычай, иметь в наличии, ввести в обычай, вводить в моду, мобилизовывать, ввести в моду
Spanish enojar, apresar, difundir, procurar, aplicar, encontrar, reunir, dedicar a
French énerver, populariser, procurer, appliquer, mobiliser, apporter, capturer, fournir
Turkish temin etmek, sağlamak
Portuguese conseguir, juntar, criar, aprisionar, angariar, arranjar, aplicar, pôr
Italian riuscire ad aprire, riuscire a pagare, impadronirsi di, mettere in giro, diffondere, introdurre, catturare, lanciare
Romanian provoca, aduce, strânge, aplica, monta
Hungarian felragaszt, felpattan, felhoz, felszít, felkelt, felfest, előteremt
Polish zdobywać na, rozgniewać
Greek εξοργίζω, διαδίδω, βρίσκω
Dutch bijeenbrengen, samenbrengen, openkrijgen, opbrengen, invoeren, ophitsen
Czech vymýšletmyslet, zavádětvést, vzchopit se, rozzlobit, vymýšlet, zavádět, zlobit, shánět
Swedish göra upprörd, göra uppbragt, uppbringa, komma upp med, komma på, lansera, skaffa fram, läggas på
Danish bringe på moden, skaffe tilveje, opbringe, indføre, ophidse, rejse
Catalan empipar, molestar, capturar un vaixell, inventar, escampar, procurar, aplicar
Norwegian oppdrive
Ukrainian потягнути, дратувати
Arabicأغضبَ، أهاج، استطاع فتحه، استجمع، جمع، دبر
Persianخشمگین کردن، عصبانی کردن، تهیه کردن
Urduلگانا، خرچ کرنا، اٹھانا، جمع کرنا

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Verb forms in Imperative of aufbringen

The verb aufbringen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperative Present

Imperative PresentImperative

  • - (1st PersonSingular)
  • bringe (du) auf (2nd PersonSingular)
  • - (3rd PersonSingular)
  • bringen wir auf (1st PersonPlural)
  • bringt (ihr) auf (2nd PersonPlural)
  • bringen sie auf (3rd PersonPlural)


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