Imperative of German verb ausmachen

The conjugation of ausmachen (make, put out) in the imperative is: mache (du) aus, machen wir aus, macht (ihr) aus, machen Sie aus. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense mach. The endings -e, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem. The prefix aus- of ausmachen is separated.The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person singular.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in imperative. Comments


Translation of German ausmachen

German ausmachen
English make, put out, turn off, switch off, agree on, arrange, conclude, stipulate
Russian выключать, договариваться (о чём-л), договариваться, уславливаться, договориться, улаживать, выключить, распознавать
Spanish apagar, acordar, representar, columbrar, terminar, concertar, elevarse, importar
French éteindre, se mettre d'accord, fixer, convenir, repérer, représenter, apercevoir, peser pour
Turkish (ışık) kapatmak, söndürmek, kapatmak
Portuguese desligar, apagar, fazer a diferença, combinar com, distinguir, extinguir, combinar, importar
Italian spegnere, scorgere, riconoscere, mettersi d'accordo su, disattivare, ammontare a, costituire, stabilire
Romanian închide, conveni, stinge, opri, constitui, determina, distinge
Hungarian lekapcsol, megbeszél, kikapcsol, elolt, kikapcsol (valamit)
Polish gasić, zgasić, wyłączać, wyłączyć, ustalać, ustalić, uzgodnić, uzgadniać
Greek ανέρχομαι σε, εξακριβώνω, κανονίζω, αποτελώ, συμφωνώ, πειράζω, ρυθμίζω, ενοχλώ
Dutch te betekenen hebben, overeenkomen, uitschakelen, vaststellen, uitvechten, afspreken, ontdekken, waarnemen
Czech uhasit, típnout, vypnout, zhasnout, domluvit, dohodnout, ukončit, rozhodnout
Swedish stänga av, komma överens om, bestämma, göra slut, avsluta, bestå i, utgöras av, utgöra
Danish blive enig om, aftale, skelne, slukke, udgøre
Japanese 取り決める, 消す
Catalan apagar, quedar en, acordar, formar part, integrar, constituir, no ser problema, importar
Finnish sammuttaa, tehdä yhteensä, muodostaa, sopia
Norwegian bli enige om, utgjøre, avtale, slå av
Serbian isključiti, ugasiti
Bosnian isključiti, dogovoriti, napraviti, završiti
Ukrainian Виключати, Закінчити, вимикати
Arabicأطفأ، بلغ، حدد، مثل، اخمد
Persianخاموش کردن، قرارگذاشتن، مشخص کردن
Urduمتعین کرنا، معلوم کرنا، بند کرنا، طے کرنا

ausmachen in
ausmachen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Imperative of ausmachen

The verb ausmachen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperative Present

Imperative PresentImperative

  • - (1st PersonSingular)
  • mache (du) aus (2nd PersonSingular)
  • - (3rd PersonSingular)
  • machen wir aus (1st PersonPlural)
  • macht (ihr) aus (2nd PersonPlural)
  • machen sie aus (3rd PersonPlural)


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