Present of German verb anwenden

The conjugation of anwenden (use, apply) in the present tense is: ich wende an, du wendest an, er wendet an, wir wenden an, ihr wendet an, sie wenden an. For this purpose, the endings -e, -est, -et, -en, -et, -en are appended to the stem wend. The endings in the 2nd and 3rd person singular and in the 2nd person plural are extended by "e", as the stem ends on -d. The prefix an- of anwenden is separated.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Comments


Examples of Active Present of the verb anwenden

  • Wie wende ich das an ? 
  • Wer Regeln anwendet , vermeidet Fehler. 


Translation of German anwenden

German anwenden
English use, apply, utilize, adapt, administer, make use of, adapt (to), employ (on)
Russian применять, использовать, употреблять, употребить, прилагать, применить, приложить, относить к себе
Spanish usar, aplicar, utilizar, poner en práctica, implementar, emplear, adoptar, recurrir
French utiliser, appliquer, employer, mettre en pratique, avoir recours à, recourir à, pratiquer, user de
Turkish kullanmak, tatbik etmek, uygulamak
Portuguese usar, aplicar, utilizar, pôr em prática, fazer uso de, recorrer a, empregar, aplicar a
Italian applicare, rivolgersi, fare ricorso a, utilizzare, adoperare, impiegare, usare
Romanian aplica, folosi, utiliza, intrebuinta
Hungarian felhasznál, vmit alkalmaz, érvényre juttat, megvalósít, alkalmaz
Polish użyć, zastosować, stosować, używać
Greek χρησιμοποιώ, εφαρμόζω
Dutch toepassen, gebruiken, besteden
Czech aplikovat
Swedish använda, tillämpa, praktisera, begagna
Danish anvende, benytte, bruge
Japanese 当てはめる, 用いる, 使う
Catalan usar, aplicar, utilitzar
Finnish soveltaa, käyttää
Norwegian anvende, bruke
Serbian применити
Macedonian применува
Slovenian uporabljati
Slowakisch používať, uplatniť, aplikovať
Bosnian применити
Croatian primeniti
Ukrainian застосовувати, використовувати
Arabicاستخدمَ - استعمل، استخدم، اتبع، طبق، طبَّق
Persianبهره بردن، استفاده کردن، به کار بستن، به کار بردن
Urduلگانا، اطلاق کرنا، استعمال کرنا

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Verb forms in Present of anwenden

The verb anwenden fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Present Indicative

Present IndicativePresence

  • ich wende an (1st PersonSingular)
  • du wendest an (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er wendet an (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir wenden an (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr wendet an (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie wenden an (3rd PersonPlural)


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