Present of German verb legen

The conjugation of legen (lay, put) in the present tense is: ich lege, du legst, er legt, wir legen, ihr legt, sie legen. For this purpose, the endings -e, -st, -t, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem leg. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Comments


Examples of Active Present of the verb legen

  • Das legt sich. 
  • Tom legt ein Buch auf seinen Schreibtisch. 
  • Ich lege ein Buch auf den Tisch. 
  • Du legst dich besser ins Bett. 
  • Unser Chef legt besonderen Wert auf Pünktlichkeit. 


Translation of German legen

German legen
English lay, put, deal the Skat, floor, cheat, position, set, pin to the floor
Russian проложить, выложить, уложить, класть, прокладывать, укладывать, опускать, опустить
Spanish poner, tender, acostar, causar, depositar, echar, sobreponer a, poner sobre
French poser, mettre, placer, pondre, mouiller, planter, bouter, s'estomper
Turkish Koymak, yatırmak, yumurtlamak, döşemek, hadım etmek, hadımlaştırmak, içine koymak, koymak
Portuguese pôr, colocar, sobrepor a, botar, intrometer entre, entrepor entre, debruçar-se sobre, estender-se
Italian porre, posare, mettere, deporre, castrate, castrare, appoggiare, attaccare
Romanian pune
Hungarian fektetni, fektet, tojni, rakni, lefektet, (le)fektetni (vezetéket), lerak, tenni
Polish kłaść, położyć, kłaść na, wykładać, wyłożyć, ustawać, ustać, przechodzić
Greek ξαπλώνω, σταματώ, στρώνω, περνώ, σβήνω, βάζω, θέτω
Dutch gaan liggen, zich leggen, afflauwen, afnemen, leggen
Czech položit, pokládat, nést, přestávatstat, lehnout si, přestávat, snášet, lehat
Swedish lägga, värpa, lägga sig
Danish lægge sig, løje af, lægge
Japanese 置く, 生む, 横になる, 弱まる, 載せる
Catalan posar, pondre
Finnish käydä pitkäkseen, asettua, asettaa, panna
Norwegian legge
Serbian полећи
Ukrainian покласти, класти, прокласти
Belorussian класці
Arabicوضع، يضع، مد
Persianگذاشتن، قراردادن، بحالت خوابیده گذاشتن، گذاردن، تخم گذاشتن مرغ، نصب کردن، تخم گذاشتن، عقیم کردن
Urduبچھانا، رکھنا، لٹانا

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Verb forms in Present of legen

The verb legen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Present Indicative

Present IndicativePresence

  • ich lege (1st PersonSingular)
  • du legst (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er legt (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir legen (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr legt (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie legen (3rd PersonPlural)


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* Sentences by Tatoeba ( are freely available under the CC BY 2.0 FR ( Some of them were changed. The authors of the sentences can be looked up via: 973582, 9713473, 6036566, 7428378