Participle of German verb kennen

The participles of kennen (be acquainted with, know) are: kennend, gekannt. For participle I, the ending -end (suffix) is added to the base kenn (verb stem). To form the past participle, the regular ending -t (suffx) is appended to the irregular base kann (verb stem). In addition to the ending, the past participle is preceded by a ge-. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of verbs in the participle. Comments


Examples of Active Participle of the verb kennen

  • Hast du ihn gut gekannt ? 


Translation of German kennen

German kennen
English be acquainted with, know
Russian изучать, быть знакомым, узнавать, узнать, знать
Spanish saber, conocer
French connaître, connaitre, se connaitre
Turkish tanımak, bilmek
Portuguese conhecer, saber
Italian conoscere, sapere, conoscersi
Romanian cunoaste, cunoaște, sti, şti, ști
Hungarian ismer
Polish znać, znać się
Greek ξέρω, γνωρίζω
Dutch identificeren, herkennen, hebben, kennen
Czech znát
Swedish känna till, känna, vara bekant med, känna varandra
Danish kende, kende hinanden
Japanese 知る, 心得る, 知っている, 分かる, 存じる
Catalan conèixer
Finnish tuntea toisensa, tietää, tuntea
Norwegian være kjent, kjenne
Basque ezagutu
Serbian знати
Slowakisch poznať
Ukrainian бути знайомим, знати
Bulgarian познавам, знам
Arabicعَرَفَ، تعارف، wissen، عرف
Persianشناختن، بلدبودن، دانستن، آشنا بودن
Urduجاننا، پہچاننا

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Verb forms in Participle of kennen

The verb kennen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Participle Present Perfect

Participle Present Perfect

  • ich kenne (1st PersonSingular)
  • du kennest (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er kennt (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir kennen (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr kennt (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie kennen (3rd PersonPlural)


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