Participle of German verb zertrümmern

The participles of zertrümmern (wreck, break to smithereens) are: zertrümmernd, zertrümmert. For participle I, the ending -nd is shortened by e and appended to the base trümmer (verb stem), because the stem ends with -er. To form the past participle, the regular ending -t (suffix) is added to the base trümmer. Since the verb has unstressed first parts (prefixes) or unstressed syllables in the base, the participle II is formed without ge-. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of verbs in the participle. Comments


Examples of Active Participle of the verb zertrümmern

  • Die vordere Windschutzscheibe wurde in Stücke zertrümmert . 
  • Wir haben gesehen, wie er das Fenster zertrümmert hat. 


Translation of German zertrümmern

German zertrümmern
English wreck, break to smithereens, dash to pieces, pound, comminute, pound to pieces, batter down, break up
Russian разбивать, разбивать вдребезги, разбить вдребезги
Spanish destruir, destrozar, desgajar, machucar, demoler, majar, despedazar
French démolir, détruire, fracasser, désintégrer, fracasser à, défoncer
Turkish yıkıntı haline getirmek, paramparça etmek
Portuguese estilhaçar, destroçar, dilapidar, destruir, despedaçar
Italian fracassare, frantumare, sconquassare, sfracellare, sfasciare, demolire, sgranare, sfracellarsi
Romanian sfărâma, zdrobi, sparge
Hungarian roncsol
Polish rozbijać, druzgotać, stłuc, tłuc
Greek συντρίβω, συνθλίβω, σπάζω
Dutch vernietigen, stukslaan, vernielen
Czech roztloukattlouct, roztloukat, roztříštit, tříštit
Swedish krossa, slå i spillror
Danish slå i stykter, ødelægge, sprænge
Catalan demolir, enrunar, destruir, destrossar
Finnish särkeä, murskata
Norwegian slå i stykker, knuse
Ukrainian розбивати, розтрощувати, розмозкувати
Arabicحطم، هشم
Persianباخشونت خرد کردن
Urduپاش پاش کرنا، شکست دینا، توڑنا

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Verb forms in Participle of zertrümmern

The verb zertrümmern fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Participle Present Perfect

Participle Present Perfect

  • ich zertrümm(e)re (1st PersonSingular)
  • du zertrümm(e)rst (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er zertrümm(e)rt (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir zertrümmern (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr zertrümmert (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie zertrümmern (3rd PersonPlural)


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