Flash cards for conjugation of German verb hineinstecken

With the flash cards the conjugation of the German verbs can be learned and trained. To do this, follow the tasks on the learning sheets for the verb hineinstecken. The required verb forms must be solved in the head. They are then compared with the hints on the cards. If agree, you confirm your learning result. If there is a deviation, you should use the hints to memorize the unknown forms. Typically, print the PDF file of the learning cards and fold them as specified. So you can use them on a stack with other verbs for learning. There are also many more worksheets for the verb hineinstecken. All materials are available as Open Educational Resources (OER) under license CC BY- SA 4.0 and can be used free of charge.

Flash cards

Flash cards for the conjugation of the German verb hineinstecken

Instruction: Print and cut the learning cards of the hineinstecken. Then place the individual cards for several verbs on a pile and mix. Now the cards can be drawn. The information on the cards must be read in memory. To match your solution, use the information on the learning sheets.

steckt hinein
steckte hinein
hat hineingesteckt
ich steck(e)⁵ hinein
du steckst hinein
er steckt hinein
wir stecken hinein
ihr steckt hinein
sie stecken hinein
ich steckte hinein
du stecktest hinein
er steckte hinein
wir steckten hinein
ihr stecktet hinein
sie steckten hinein

⁵ Only in colloquial use

Flash cards PDF Flash cards PNG


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