Declension of German noun Rechenwerk with plural and article

The declension of the noun Rechenwerk (book-keeping, accounting) is in singular genitive Rechenwerk(e)s and in the plural nominative Rechenwerke. The noun Rechenwerk is declined with the declension endings es/e. The voice of Rechenwerk is neutral and the article "das". Here you can not only inflect Rechenwerk but also all German nouns. Comments

noun · neutral · regular · -s, -e

das Rechenwerk

Rechenwerk(e)s · Rechenwerke

English book-keeping, accounting, ALU, computer unit, arithmetic unit, arithmetic-logic unit, calculating counter, counter, calculator, integrator

⁰ Depends on meaning

Declension of Rechenwerk in singular and plural in all cases


Nom. dasRechenwerk
Gen. desRechenwerkes/Rechenwerks
Dat. demRechenwerk/Rechenwerke
Acc. dasRechenwerk


Nom. dieRechenwerke
Gen. derRechenwerke
Dat. denRechenwerken
Acc. dieRechenwerke

⁶ Only in exalted use⁰ Depends on meaning

Definitions  PDF


Translation of German Rechenwerk

German Rechenwerk
English book-keeping, accounting, ALU, computer unit, arithmetic unit, arithmetic-logic unit, calculating counter, counter
Russian арифмети́ческий у́зел, вычисли́тель, вычисли́тельное устро́йство, операцио́нный блок, арифмети́ческое устро́йство, операцио́нное устро́йство, устро́йство обрабо́тки
Spanish unidad aritmética
French unité arithmétique et logique, organe de calcul, unité arithmétique
Turkish hesap birimi, işlem birimi, aritmetik birimi
Portuguese unidade aritmética, unidade de cálculo
Italian unità logico-aritmetica
Romanian unitatea de procesare, unitatea aritmetică, unitatea de calcul
Hungarian számítógép, számítási egység, számolómű
Polish arytmometr
Greek μονάδα υπολογισμού, αριθμητικό κύκλωμα
Dutch rekenwerk, rekeneenheid
Czech aritmeticko-logická jednotka, počítací jednotka
Ukrainian обчислювальний пристрій, арифметичний пристрій
Arabicوحدة الحساب، المعالج الحسابي
Persianواحد محاسبه، محاسبه‌گر
Urduحساب کا آلہ، کمپیوٹر کی حسابی یونٹ

Rechenwerk in
Rechenwerk in Beolingus


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Declension forms of Rechenwerk

Summary of all declension forms of the noun Rechenwerk in all cases

The declension of Rechenwerk as a table with all forms in singular (singular) and plural (plural) and in all four cases nominative (1st case), genitive (2nd case), dative (3rd case) and accusative (4th case). Especially for German learners the correct declension of the word Rechenwerk is crucial.

Declension Rechenwerk

Singular Plural
Nom. das Rechenwerk die Rechenwerke
Gen. des Rechenwerk(e)s der Rechenwerke
Dat. dem Rechenwerk(e) den Rechenwerken
Acc. das Rechenwerk die Rechenwerke

Declension Rechenwerk

  • Singular: das Rechenwerk, des Rechenwerk(e)s, dem Rechenwerk(e), das Rechenwerk
  • Plural: die Rechenwerke, der Rechenwerke, den Rechenwerken, die Rechenwerke


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