Aeronautica Imperialis- Landscape Art - 6

Quickbeam™ the Ent™

  • Expertenset
€ 76,00
Quickbeam™ the Ent™

A named Hero from the Fangorn army list

The swiftest - and hastiest - of all the Ents

A single resin miniature

Update to 15+ Resin

Quickbeam™ the Ent™

€ 76,00


uickbeam is one of the younger Ents of Fangorn Forest. While he is young in the eyes of the Ents, Quickbeam has roamed the forests for millennia. He gained his name for his apparent hastiness and impetuous nature – traits uncharacteristic of the Ents. When Treebeard gathers the Ents of Fangorn to march upon Isengard, Quickbeam wastes little time in joining the fight.

Quickbeam is the swiftest of all the Ents, yet lacks none of the hitting power for which the mighty treeherds are rightly feared. Lead the charge of your Ents with Quickbeam, and your opponent won’t know what’s hit

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