Langlois Library's Author Night Video: Margaret Grundstein "Naked in the woods"

Ledbetter House Steve on Guitar & Tchanan Fiddle

Langlois Library's Author Night featured Margaret Grundstein with her first book, evocatively titled "Naked in the Woods." The author chronicles her journey of self-discovery stimulated by the desire to show that society could live in a different way. The move was sparked by the turmoil of the times- Vietam War, Kent State, etc. The first part of the books deals with the establishment of a commune in an area close to Eugene, Oregon- the trials, set backs, joys, the accomplishments.

Paul and Kids Nice Axe Steve

The second section is more dear to the heart of Langlois as this commune was established up Floras Creek in the 1970s- with  lends an illumination to the story-telling. To avoid any more spoilers, link up to the videos of the readings. At the reading, Margaret  had stated:" the history of the Floras Creek commune is also the history of Langlois"- how the locals initally  reacted, most often in kindness, giving rides, offer of a shower, a hot meal etc. was a high point of the discussion. 

MGP Interior Cabin Interior Cabin

The interest of the audience and their comments were most engaging and added an extra special nuance to the evening.  After all, it is our Langlois.

Roggie Stu Reading

Here is an interesting interview with Margaret:

Videos (1-4) of the Library Talk: