Waffles with the Thermomix

Well, get it!

Wohl bekomm's: Waffeln mit dem Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

The waffle recipe for the Thermomix

To prepare twelve delicious Thermomix waffles, you need the following ingredients:

  • 125 g butter in pieces
  • 2 tbsp vanilla sugar
  • 100g sugar
  • 250 g flour
  • 250g milk
  • 1 teaspoon Baking powder
  • 3 eggs

Waffles that don't have any on the waffle: in several steps with the Thermomix

1. You probably won't find an easier waffle recipe anywhere. The fresh Thermomix waffles taste particularly good if you prepare the dough in the waffle iron directly before baking. Of course, it's no problem at all if you make the dough in advance and keep it in the fridge until you're ready to bake it.
2. Preheat the waffle iron.
3. Put all the ingredients into the mixing bowl and mix for 2 minutes on speed 4.
4. Pour the batter into your preheated waffle iron in portions and bake until desired browning.
5. If you like, you can dust the finished Thermomix waffles with powdered sugar.

Which Thermomix can you use to make waffles?

The waffles made according to the Thermomix recipe depend on the quality of the dough. To ensure that you can do this perfectly, grab your Thermomix TM6 or TM5. These modern devices help you prepare food in the best possible way. Once the waffle batter is ready, you can decide for yourself whether you want to serve the sweet temptation with tea or coffee or as a dessert. Of course, you can also make fresh waffles differently - delicious recipes can be adapted as you wish. The waffles from the Thermomix don't necessarily have to be sweet or have you already tried how fluffy and delicious the waffles become if you increase the amount of baking powder?

How deep into your wallet do you have to spend for waffles from the Thermomix?

The waffles from the Thermomix are incomparably delicious and also particularly cheap. In fact, twelve waffles will only cost you three euros. So from a financial perspective it doesn't hurt particularly if the children or guests call for a second helping.

Wundermix — accessories and recipes for your Thermomix

The Thermomix waffles - this is just one recipe of many Thermomix recipes (and can also be found in Thermomix recipe books) that you can find at Wundermix. Have you always wanted to know how to prepare a special favorite dish? At Wundermix you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for thanks to the great diversity of the recipe list. But Wundermix not only helps you in your search for the inspiration you need, but also in making the best possible use of your Thermomix. Thanks to numerous innovative utensils such as equipment for the Varoma of the Thermomix, the Thermomix spatula and Monsieur Cuisine Connect accessories, you can significantly expand the scope of use of your ingenious kitchen helper.

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