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Mulch blowing specialists, serving the greater Pittsburgh area. Call now for a free estimate. All major credit cards accepted.

Mulch Blowing

Mulch blowers offer an innovative way to spread mulch and other products. With more than 200 feet of hose, materials can be applied in hard to reach places such as elevated surfaces or backyards. Another great thing about the use of these machines is the perfectly smooth finish of the mulch. Mulch blowers eliminate clumps and unevenness in the landscape that can come from hand throwing, dumping, or raking mulch around.

Products and Installation Services

AMS is able to install any color of mulch which includes brown, black, red, and even natural. Another mulch product offered is playground mulch which is IPEMA certified for uses where functionality may be more important than appearance like a playground or pathway. Our material blowers are also able to do more than install mulch. Soil, compost, and manure can be spread as well. This is useful when installing new yards, top dressings, or grading small portions of the landscape.


AMS offers their services to all parties including other landscapers and excavators. Acting as a sub-contractor, Advanced Mulching Solutions is able to be hired to come in and offer a quick and easy mulch installation in order to save you time and money. AMS is a mulch and material installation company and will therefor not be interested in any landscaping work from your customer. This means we are no threat to your business or professional relationships.