Walk the Nuestra Señora de Luján Pilgrimage?

Luján is a city in the Buenos Aires province of Argentina, located 68 kilometers north west of the city of Buenos Aires. The city was founded in 1755 and has a population of 67,266.

Luján is best known for its large neo-gothic Basilica, built in honor of the Virgin of Luján, the patron saint of Argentina. Every year, more than six million people make pilgrimages to the Basilica, many walking there from Buenos Aires. The city is known as La Capital de la Fe (Capital of Faith). It is a popular day-trip for believers and non-believers alike, with abundant grill restaurants (like most places in Argentina) and souvenir shops with religious memorabilia.Basílica_Luján_desde_Plaza_Belgrano

Regardless of your reasons for doing this walk — personal, fitness, social or religious – why not get out those dusty and forgotten walking shoes and put them to good use?  The pilgrimage starts on Saturday, October 5, 2013 and it takes two days to accomplish the 37 mile journey.

Since this is not a stroll in the park, the key issue for a successful walk is training. Let’s start training together by walking around the city so that we are ready on October 5th. Want to train on your own but join us the day of? Sure, just let us know your plans so that we can make hotel reservations for you on Saturday night and reserve a bus ticket for the trip back to Bs.As. For more information go here: http://www.peregrinacionlujan.org.ar/Agenda.htm. Children are welcome. Pictures and more pictures.

If interested, email Solange at smecham25@yahoo.com.

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