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digital illustration in a cartoonish style of aang and zuko sitting on the floor together against an orange background. aang has his arm around zuko and is leaving into him while zuko has both arms wrapped around his knees. they are both smiling. the color palette is bright and warm.ALT

do u think we could have been friends too 🥺

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  1. justanavatar reblogged this from zuzuthejerkbender
  2. lbibliophile-atla reblogged this from fanboyzuko
  3. royalsampaguita reblogged this from comradekatara
  4. spacedustpan said: Gorgeous work op! 💖
  5. bluecharizardfire reblogged this from comradekatara
  6. reu-able-gok reblogged this from comradekatara
  7. theplushfrog reblogged this from erisenyo
  8. piece-of-mined said: The fandom doesn’t give their friendship the attention and love it deserves 😭
  9. comradekatara posted this
    do u think we could have been friends too 🥺