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Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut [Hrsg.]
Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien — 1.1898

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Kalinka, Ernst: Zu kleinasiatischen Inschriften
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bei, obgleich sonst der ganze Stab der Tetrere im
Nominativ genannt ist. Die Form xexp7}pEffl£ möchte
ich aber nicht aus einem Nominativ zszprjpig ableiten,
sondern für eine Analogiebildung nach dem uncontra-
hierten Plural-Genetiv (vgl. Kühner-Blass, Grammatik
123') halten. — Evident und meine Vermuthung
sichernd ist der wertvolle Nachweis des oberstcom-

mandierenden A. Terentius Varro in einer rhodischen
Inschrift und die dadurch gewonnene genauere Zeit-
bestimmung, wobei die Familienverhältnisse der
Murenae und Varrones mit Recht unerörtert blieben,
da sie sich mit dem jetzt zu Gebote stehenden
Material meines Erachtens nicht weiter ins Klare
bringen lassen. ERNST KALINKA.

Zu kleinasiatischen Inschriften.

(Arch.-epigr. Mittheilungen XIX 31 ff.)

No. 7. KapTOtföpoj (uaS-unT/s 'HXim y.ai Ate['t süj-
XTjv or xal AT e[6jxvjv. I see no objection to the
mention of Zeus after y.od: dedications to two Gods
are common.

No. 14. The title 7t(peaßöxepoj?) v.aX äpj^spsu;,
used of a Christian priest, is remarkable.

Dr Sarre's transcription, xdv j^|imv dva-

YlVtöaxovxss, cannot be aeeepted. He does injustice to
the accuraey of Iiis own copy by twice altering it,
for he changes f)|J,Tv to 7)|«Bv and omits 5, i. e. oE.
If we suppose that the engraver erred slightly in
the two ligatures, which Dr Sarre interprets as x(ov
8-e)- and -(6v vj|i)[(5]v, the text reads dpxtspeuc; xoö
%-eo5 ^|iTv. ä efcvirj-ivtöaxovxss süfeacxE &7isp i\xoü.

No. 19. Read saux[oTg] dveaxvjaav xö £eö-f[oj]:
the monument was double, representing two doors
side by side: this form of tombstone is not uncom-
mon in Phrygia, but I do not know that the term
£s5"fo; is elscwhere applied to it.

No. 20. Read xtü Eättp ävSpi KAaTraptvtq), an
interesting metamorphosis among the rude Phrygian
villagers of the name KccATrapvtog.

No. 22. Read s't [xtg u,VK)(ie((p y.ay.Gs|p"f£a ■/ß.lpoi
zpoaoiast: the formula is common.

No. 24. Read, perhaps, suxuxioc £axst(t) oaov £§s
ev p£(p.

P. 35. Suverek can hardly be Soatra; it is not
on the direct line of road from Laodiceia Katake-
kaumene to Archelais & Caesareia, where as Soatra
was: see Histor. Geogr. p. 343.

P. 35. Between Kaballa and Tchigil the only
serious change is B to G; for K to TCH and A
to I are easy and far from rare in the changes that
have come over the ancient names in Turkish mouths.
In Kaballa, I take B as representing a consonant
which was not easy for Greeks to pronounce, and
which was made B by them, while the Türks have

made it into G. But it is quite probable that Dr
Sarre may be right in placing Kaballa nearer Ico-
nium than I have put it, see J; G. C. Anderson in
the fortheoming number of the Journal of Hellenic

P. 48. I congratulate Dr Sarre & Dr Osborne
on the discovery of Karallia at Üskeles. This site
satisfies all the conditions better than Bey-Sheher,
where I suggested that K. might have been situated,
but where I found no evidence that an ancient
city existed. The reasons stated in Histor. Geogr.
p. 390 show that Karallia was situated somewhere
not far from Bey-Sheher; and Dr Sarre seems
to have found the exaet site.

P. 51. In 1890 Hogarth & I saw the ruins
which Dr. Sarre describes as Paris-Beleni Tcholuk
(seeHistor.Geogr.p. 495). The indications were already
sufficient to show exactly where Pariais should be
found; and, as Dr. Sarre mentions, it was entered
on my map Hist. Geogr. p. 330 (for reasons stated
p. 390 ff.) before we began the journey on which
we found the site. We omitted to ask the name
of the site, by which Dr. Sarre has now confirmed
the identification.

No. 29. Remembering how often T is read on
stones instead of T, I would suggest in line 3
6 [T]uvaSetuv 87jU.og; and should like to have the
stone re-examined in order to look for traces of
omitted letters, added above or at the side of the
line, giving the reading Tuv(ßpt)aSe(uv. It is almost
certain that Tymbriada or Timbriada was situated
in this Valley.

No. 30. Read, perhaps, A[öp]. IldvO'Oc; ex£t|i7)aEV
Mdpoova [xoü Setvos y.]ai 'Avvav y.xX. Dr Sarre alters
his own copy to read [N]dvvav, but 'Avvav is a
common Pisidian name (Cities and Bishoprics of
Phrygia I p. 337).