De-plosive [STD & ADV]

Module & plug-in


De-plosive is able to intelligently identify plosives, and then separate and remove them from the audio signal, while preserving the fundamental frequency and harmonics of the dialogue.


De-plosive module interface

  • SENSITIVITY: This helps adjust the sensitivity with which De-plosives detects issues. If the plosives in your audio are not being effectively reduced, try increasing the value of this parameter to more easily detect plosives. This parameter has a greater effect than Strength on the overall effectiveness of plosive reduction.
  • STRENGTH: This controls the amount of plosive reduction that occurs. Higher values will reduce the plosives more deeply, but may also have a negative effect on the useful speech signal.
  • FREQUENCY LIMIT [Hz]: This allows you to set the highest frequency that will be reduced. Though some plosives may reach into the 300–400 Hz range, most do not, and this helps avoid processing any audio in which plosives are not present.

More Information

Visual Example

De-plosive has been developed to minimize plosives from letters such as p, t, k, and b, in which strong blasts of air create a massive pressure change at the microphone element, impairing the sound. Plosives are typically audible as low-end thumps, anywhere between 20–300 Hz, sometimes as high as 500 Hz.

Spectrogram with plosives

Considerations when using de-plosive on audio that has already been filtered

De-plosive uses a frequency band between 20 to 80 Hz to detect plosives. If the audio has already been filtered with a high-pass filter, it is possible that plosive detection will not work correctly. So, it is recommended to use De-plosive on audio that has not yet been filtered.