
The grab bar in Berlin

Greifbar is a traditional gay bar in the heart of East Berlin. It is located in the middle of Prenzlauer Berg and is kept in the construction worker style of the 90s. The bar has existed for more than a quarter of a century and enjoys a large regular audience. It is a pure gay bar in which meanwhile also women have access, who are open to all sexual orientations and long for an evening among colorful birds of paradise.

Here at Greifbar you can meet nice people in a relaxed atmosphere with a delicious drink. But you can also just spend a relaxed evening with friends and experience an unforgettable night. Also, the chances are very high to spend the evening with like-minded people and with a lot of luck to be able to dust off a hot date.


The Flax is also a very adventurous gay bar located in Berlin. It is located only 1.8 kilometers away, so it is wonderful and easy to reach.

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