Updated on
28 Oct 2019

  • English (UK)
  • German
Question about German

What's the difference between "Bekannte," "Kumpel," and "Freund?" Please provide definitions, not translations because the translation in this case isn't super useful. How many hours do you need to spend together before a "Bekannte" becomes a "Kumpel." And please mention where exactly you live. I know in Switzerland that everyone is a "Kollege," eben though you've never worked together, unless you've known each other since primary school, then they are "Freunde."

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  • German

  • English (UK)

  • German

  • English (UK)
[News] Hey you! The one learning a language!

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What's the difference between "Bekannte," "Kumpel," and "Freund?" Please provide definitions, not translations because the translation in this case isn't super useful. How many hours do you need to spend together before a "Bekannte" becomes a "Kumpel." And please mention where exactly you live. I know in Switzerland that everyone is a "Kollege," eben though you've never worked together, unless you've known each other since primary school, then they are "Freunde."
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