Vain vs. Vein

In this lesson, we're gonna work on the differences and similarities between these two words. I can see that you're ready. Come on.

"Vain" vs. "Vein" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

These two are homophones. 'Vain' describes a person who is arrogant and proud and also indicates that something is fruitless, whereas, 'vein' refers to thin vessels in which blood moves.


'Vain' can both describe a person who is arrogant, while, indicating that something is useless. 'Vein, on the other hand, refers to thin vessels in live creatures through which blood moves. Look at the examples below:

What do you mean all our efforts were in vain?

He seem vain and narcissistic.

In today's class, we will discuss how blood veins function in our body.


These two are only similar in that they are homophones.

Are They Interchangeable?

Since these two are completely different in meaning, they cannot be used interchangeably. Compare:

✓ If she stopped fighting in vain, she would find peace.

X If she stopped fighting in vein, she would find peace.


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