clinoid process

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Related to clinoid process: cavernous sinus, clivus


1. a prominence or projection, as from a bone.
2. a series of operations or events leading to achievement of a specific result.
3. to subject to such a series to produce desired changes.
acromial process acromion.
altered family p's former name for the nursing diagnosis interrupted family processes.
alveolar process the part of the bone in either the maxilla or mandible that surrounds and supports the teeth.
basilar process a quadrilateral plate of the occipital bone projecting superiorly and anteriorly from the foramen magnum.
calcaneal process of cuboid bones a process projecting posteriorly from the inferomedial angle of the cuboid bone that supports the anterior calcaneus.
caudate process the right of the two processes on the caudate lobe of the liver.
ciliary p's meridionally arranged ridges or folds projecting from the crown of the ciliary body.
clinoid process any of three processes of the sphenoid bone (anterior, medial, and posterior).
coracoid process a curved process arising from the upper neck of the scapula and overhanging the shoulder joint; called also coracoid.
coronoid process
1. the anterior part of the upper end of the ramus of the mandible.
2. a projection at the proximal end of the ulna.
disturbed thought p's a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the experiencing by an individual of disruption in cognitive operations and activities; it is related to various mental and personality disorders. Contributing factors include physiologic changes, psychologic conflicts, memory loss, impaired judgment, and sleep deprivation. Defining characteristics include inaccurate interpretation of the environment; cognitive dissonance; distractibility; decreased ability to grasp ideas; impaired ability to make decisions, solve problems, or reason; disorientation to time, place, person, circumstances, or events; and inappropriate or nonreality-based thinking.
dysfunctional family p's: alcoholism a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as psychosocial, spiritual, and physiological functions of the family unit that are chronically disorganized, leading to conflict, denial of problems, resistance to change, ineffective problem solving, and a series of self-perpetuating crises. See also alcoholism.
ensiform process xiphoid process.
ethmoid process a bony projection above and behind the maxillary process of the inferior nasal concha.
family p's the psychosocial, physiological, and spiritual functions and relationships within the family unit; nursing diagnoses include dysfunctional family processes: alcoholism and interrupted family processes.
frontonasal process frontonasal prominence.
interrupted family p's a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as a change in family relationships and/or functioning.
malar process zygomatic process of the maxilla.
mammillary process a tubercle on each superior articular process of a lumbar vertebra.
mandibular process mandibular prominence.
mastoid process a conical projection at the base of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone.
maxillary process
2. a bony process descending from the ethmoid process of the inferior nasal concha.
nursing process see nursing process.
odontoid process a toothlike projection of the axis that articulates with the atlas.
pterygoid process either of the two processes of the sphenoid bone, descending from the points of junction of the great wings and the body of the bone, and each consisting of a lateral and a medial plate.
spinous process of vertebra a part of a vertebra projecting backward from the arch, giving attachment to muscles of the back.
styloid process a long, pointed projection, particularly a long spine projecting downward from the inferior surface of the temporal bone.
temporal process the posterior blunt process of the zygomatic bone that articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to form the zygomatic arch.
uncinate process any hooklike process, as of vertebrae, the lacrimal bone, or the pancreas.
xiphoid process the pointed process of cartilage, supported by a core of bone, connected with the lower end of the sternum; called also xiphoid.
The xiphoid process. Redrawn from Applegate, 1995.
zygomatic process a projection in three parts, from the frontal bone, temporal bone, and maxilla, by which they articulate with the zygomatic bone (see Appendix 3-3).
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

cli·noid pro·cess

one of three pairs (anterior, middle, and posterior) of bony projections from the sphenoid bone; the anterior and posterior pairs of which surround the hypophysial fossa like bedposts.
Synonym(s): processus clinoideus [TA], clinoid (2)
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

cli·noid pro·cess

(klin'ōyd pros'es) [TA]
One of three pairs of bony projections from the sphenoid bone: anterior clinoid process, the recurved posterior angle of the lesser wing; middle clinoid process, a little spur of bone on the body of the sphenoid, posterolateral to the tuberculum sellae; posterior clinoid process, a spur of bone at each superior angle of the dorsum sellae.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
As anterior clinoid process covers the roof of cavernous sinus and the paraclinoidal segment of the internal carotid artery, anterior clinoidectomy becomes mandatory in approaching cavernous sinus and in optic canal decompression so the parameters measured in the present study will guide in the careful dissection in that area.
The autors opine that anatomical knowlege of optic strut and anterior clinoid process, may be clinically important for surgeons operating in the region of cavernous sinus or the surrounding structures.
The anterior, middle and the posterior clinoid processes are located in the middle cranial fossa of the skull.
The differences between direct anatomical studies and data from lateral cephalometric radiographs have been attributed to superimposition of the overlapping clinoid processes of the sella turcica (Abdel-Kader, 2007).
In clinical practice, when a paraclinoid aneurysm occurs, the anterior clinoid process is removed as a treatment for this disease.
The relationship between the third cranial nerve and posterior clinoid process. Indian J.
The sella turcica bridge (STB) is the true bony union of the anterior and posterior clinoid processes while the clinoid enlargement (CLEN), is the overlapping of the anterior and posterior clinoid processes4 and not necessarily real bony fusion.5 Bridging of the sella turcica is considered as an anatomical abnormality and has been reported to occur in skeletal and dental malformations and in several syndromes.6
The particular emphasis of the cranial work was on the following locations: where those cranial nerves cross the borders of tentorium cerebelli, as they pass through cavernous sinus, where the particularly vulnerable spot was, the fibro-osseous canal beneath the posterior clinoid processes, at sutura petrobasilaris, and where those nerves enter the orbit through fissure orbital is superior.
In the lateral view, (1) the temperomandibular joints should be superimposed, and (2) the clinoid processes should be symmetrical.
Anteriorly, it is bounded by a bony ridge, the tuberculum sella, and posteriorly by the dorsum sella and the posterior clinoid processes. The anterior clinoid processes of the lesser wing of the sphenoid are lateral to the tuberculum sella and project posteriorly.