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ostentatious: adj. definition:

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Presentation on theme: "ostentatious: adj. definition:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ostentatious: adj. definition:
characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others

2 ostentatious pronunciation: os-ten-tey-shuh s

3 ostentatious conspicuous extravagant pretentious spectacular
synonyms: conspicuous extravagant pretentious spectacular flamboyant theatrical egotistic

4 ostentatious related forms: adverb ostentatiously noun ostentation

5 ostentatious Many of the rooms in the Versailles
palace are quite ostentatious.

6 ostentatious Only a truly ostentatious woman would wear these heels and this ring.

7 ostentatious In honor of Barbie’s 50th birthday, Mattel revealed an ostentatious 3,500 square foot Malibu Barbie dream house.

8 ostentatiously They celebrated Christmas ostentatiously.

9 ostentatiously Some dancers go beyond dressing ostentatiously and dress downright flamboyantly.

10 ostentatiously The ostentatiously dressed woman looked scornful as she walked down the runway.

11 ostentation The house was a study in ostentation.

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