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Superliminal all constellations, blueprints and chess pieces guide
By KingIsulgard
It took me a while to find all collectibles in the game, it was a bit of a struggle. Hope this helps those who are struggling as well. This guide will help you find all blueprints, constellation rooms, and chess pieces in the Superliminal game.

Also check out my Youtube channel Superliminal Secrets where you'll find even more videos!
Level 1 (Induction)
First blue pawn chess piece
In the room with the large cube, there is a first hidden room on the left. It's not hidden that well. Just remove the boards and you can enter. Get a soda from the soda machine and make it a big as possible. Use it in combination with the cube to get on top of the ledge where you will find the blue pawn chess piece. Or use an enlarged wooden board to get on the ledge, that is actually easier. I used the soda can to get the broken soda can reward in one go.

Blueprint 1
When reaching the end of the first level, after arriving in the corridor after knocking over the panels with the cheese. There is a drop in the shadow. Use the cheese to create a bridge or a ramp to jump over this gap. In the "hidden" room at the end of the corridor, you will find your first blueprint.
Level 2 (Optical)
Blueprint 2
Right after you escaped the room using the exit sign to jump over the walls, go to the right and you'll find the second blueprint of the game (first in this chapter) on the back of the wall.

Dining table constellation
Go right below the stairs after exiting the hotel lounge room to find the first hidden room of this chapter with the dining table constellation inside. This one is quite hard to align correctly.

Red pawn chess piece
In the map optical, after you opened up the fire escape door, take the door with you up the scaffolding to make a bridge on top of the set wall. There is a red pawn chess piece on top.

Blue horse chess piece
In the room with the gigantic green chess piece, try to get up the vents. At the end of the vents, you will find the blue horse chess piece. I find it easier to achieve this by using the special dice you can find in the hidden room upstairs. I also noticed that if you drop the dice in the gap next to the wall, it will respawn. Other objects however won't if you drop them through that gap.

Blueprint 3
In the last hotel lounge room, look through the rooftop windows, and grab the moon. Try to use the cheese and the moon to get on top of the roof. On this hidden rooftop room, you will find the third blueprint.
Level 3 (Cubism)
Coffee mug constellation
Right after leaving the reception, turn back and go next to the door you came from. There is a passageway to a constellation room. When you align the stars correctly, it should form a coffee mug.

Blueprint 4
The first blueprint of this chapter can be found on top of the sliding dice. Go to the next room and grab the duck from the bucket. You can use the duck to jump up the vertical scaling cube and get the blueprint. The duck is quite annoying to handle, I found out letting it drop on your head makes it topple over in a more practical position.

Blueprint 5
Take a part of the cube that falls apart with you to the next puzzle. You will be able to use it to get up the normally inaccessible part. You'll find a blueprint there. Not very hidden but you have to remember to take the cube piece with you.

Pink king chess piece
The pink king chess piece can be found inside the vent, it's hard to grab, you must get to it close. Take the cube from the previous puzzle with you. The more puzzle pieces you have, the easier you can make stairs.

Pink queen chess piece
After dropping down in the dark cellar section. Take the lamp or the grate with you to the next room. There is a pink queen chess piece hidden above the vending machine. Create a ramp to get up there.
Level 4 (Blackout)
Cheese wheel constellation
Right at the start of the 4th level, Blackout, go inside the file cabinet in the reception to find the first hidden room with the cheese wheel constellation inside.

Second blue pawn chess piece
When using the exit light to get through the room with all the boxes. Turn back right before the door and use the enlarged exit sign to get on top of the boxes. You will find the blue pawn chess piece on top of the boxes.

Third blue pawn chess piece
When reaching the room with the generator, grab a can of beans from the kitchen and take it with you as you use the wooden boards to jump over the shelves. Use the can of beans to get on top of the shelves near the window and jump out of the window. You will find the third blue pawn chess piece there.

Blueprint 6
In the room with the IDEA generator, use the wooden boards to jump on the shelves on the left. You'll find the sixth blueprint at the end. Use the trolley to jump back out.
Level 5 (Clone)
Fourth blue pawn chess piece
The fourth blue pawn chess piece is on top of the ventilation shaft in the room before the alarm clock. Grab the alarm clock and clone it to construct a ladder to get on top of the ventilation shaft. Or like in my case, just clone like crazy, often the game will glitch and catapult you on top of stuff. When you are done, right-click on the alarm clock to remove all the clones again.

Pink horse chess piece
In the corridor after the room with the red apple, the pink horse chess piece is on top of the ventilation shaft. Use the chair, door, and light to jump on top of it. No props needed.

Vending machine constellation
After the room with the Somnasculpt sign, there is a hidden room next to the vending machine. This is another constellation room, which contains a constellation shaped like a vending machine.
Level 6 (Dollhouse)
Chair constellation
At the start of level 6, Dollhouse, go right next to the door of the home theater room. There is a hidden constellation room there which contains the chair constellation.

Blueprint 7 and Blue king chess piece
After going through the resized window. You will find the seventh blueprint in the left-back corner of the room on top of the boxes. The blue king chess piece is right next to it on top of the door. The chess piece is tiny which makes it hard to spot.

Blueprint 8
When you reach the pool, grab the bouncing castle and head back to the locker room. Use the bouncing castle to get on top of the lockers where you'll find the eight blueprint of the game.

Blueprint 9
When you get inside the room where you had to resize from microscopic back to normal size, you'll find a blueprint on top of the punch clock next to the desk with the chess game.
Level 7 (Labyrinth)
Pink rook chess piece
When you fall inside the room on its side where a hole appears when you grab the door, don't go through that hole just yet. Use the door to build a ramp to get inside the room high up. You'll find a fire extinguisher there and a pink rook chess piece inside the window on the floor.

Blueprint 10
In the waterfall pool room, use a soda can from the vending machine in combination with the cube to build stairs to get on top of the scaffolding, you'll find the tenth blueprint on top.

Blue queen chess piece
After the door, you have to open using the yellow horse chess piece on the button. Take the chess piece with you. Use the yellow horse piece to get on top of the pipes and then jump on the lamp to get on top of the vents where you'll find the blue queen chess piece.

Blueprint 11
This one is ridiculously easy to find. After falling down, don't move ahead just yet, turn around and go through the corridor. You'll find a large blueprint lying at the end of the corridor. Hard to miss.

Moon projector constellation
In the room where you get teleported to a white room by grabbing the cube, check behind the door. Go around the door, in the floor paneling, there is a hidden white staircase down. Go down these stairs and turn left at the end. Go further down the corridor and you'll reach your next constellation room. I call it the "moon" projector constellation.

This lamp projects the image of a moon on the wall. You will notice this in the main menu chapter once you collected all collectibles you can play around with them.

Blueprint 12
In the parking lot, keep moving forward until you hit a wall. Repeat this until you have 4 walls. A small house will appear in the center. Try to get on top of this little house to find the next blueprint. I found the electrical cabinet was the easiest way to climb up.
Level 8 (Whitespace)
Fifth blue pawn and blue rook chess pieces
Right at the start of level 8, you can fitnd two blue chess pieces. A pawn and a rook chess piece. Both of them require you to drastically scale down. Use the house to shrink yourself to the size of the maquette, then size down even further so you can fit inside the soda machine.

Blueprint 13
The 13th blueprint of the game is easy to get to. When you've gone through the corridors and fallen down twice to end up in the white field with the half-open house. Get on the roof using the electrical box and find the blueprint in plain sight.

Blueprint 14
When you reach the completely white corridor, turn around and go to the backside of the door you just came out of, there is another blueprint there.

Blueprint 15
The final blueprint can be found in the white space chapter. When you reach the snowy valley, turn immediately right. You'll find the blueprint right behind the small snowy hill. This will unlock the "Feeling blue" achievement.

Keyboard constellation
The last constellation can be found in the snowy valley. Go to the far end of the valley on the right side. You'll find the entrance to the last hidden constellation room there. The stars should align into a keyboard. This is the last constellation in the game so this should unlock the "Stars align" achievement.

Pink pawn chess piece
The last chess piece can be found upon the ledge of the snowy valley. Try to use the chess pieces of the next room to get on top. It requires some trial and error and creativity :). Once you get on top, align the pink shape with the pink shape on the water cooler in the distance.

After collecting this piece you will get the "Chess master" award.
Fires extinguished - Empty all fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers will blow fire when emptied all extinguishers in the game. Since they are too numerous in the game, I've not included them in this guide.

Fire safety achieved - Pull all fire alarms
A fire alarm button will appear in the main menu, clicking it will activate the sprinklers in the main menu room. Just as the fire extinguisher, there are too many alarms in the game to include in this guide.

Stars align - Complete all constellations
When you collect a constellation object this item will appear in the room you view at the main menu. You can walk around this room and play around with those items by clicking the exit sign when you have collected all constellations. Cool detail: the main menu will remember how you arranged the objects.

Feeling blue - Find all blueprints
The blueprints you have collected will appear in the hallways after leaving the starting room of each level after collecting them all.
When you have collected all the blueprints in the game. 2 secret rooms open up at the start of level 6 (Dollhouse). There is a room with avocados because apparently, you are obsessed with them, and there is an empty room, where Dr. Pierce taunts the player that exploring out of the way locations is a waste of time.

Chess master - Find all secret chess pieces and Kasparov Achievement
The chess pieces also give access to an easter egg when you have collected them all. When starting a new level there usually is a computer screen in the reception with a chess game open. When all chess pieces are collected you can click this screen, which will teleport you to Dr. Pierce's office where a chess game is set up. You can collect the Kasparov achievement by removing the pink pawn from the chessboard and moving the blue rook chess piece in its place.
iwansquall Aug 14, 2021 @ 12:35am 
Thx for the guide, everything ok.

Except the missing red chess piece in level 2 after flower + cube room.

And need to reorder collectibles in level 3
I think both chess pieces can be found before blueprint

Might want to update now, there will be large crowd from humble choice august 2021.
KingIsulgard  [author] May 2, 2021 @ 4:06am 
@jacob, ah yes forgot to add that one. Grabbed it before I started making the guide. Will add that one too. Thank you for pointing that out.
Fendi Apr 28, 2021 @ 2:48pm 
Again, great guide! FYI I wrote a hint-based guide to most collectibles and I used this guide for reference (with acknowledgement) and link to here as well.
Fendi Apr 24, 2021 @ 4:11pm 
Thank you for the video guides that are to-the-point and very helpful!
Princesa Leopoldina Jan 9, 2021 @ 3:50pm 
Thank you, to both of you!
Jedesuis Jan 8, 2021 @ 3:05am 
@Alpaca After the constellation, go back to the previous room, grab the exit door and climb the stairs. The piece is on the central wooden structure. Use the door to see it once you're at the top of the room.
Princesa Leopoldina Jan 7, 2021 @ 5:27pm 
@jacobsedk : Where? Could you give a short description?
jacobsedk Jan 7, 2021 @ 9:37am 
Thanks for the guide. There's an additional, pink chess piece to be found in Optical, shortly after picking up the Dining table constellation.
adm1tos Dec 30, 2020 @ 6:21am 