58 értékelés
!OUTDATED! Creating an avatar from a game. - !OUTDATED!
Készítő: James

Creating an Avatar is pretty basic, once you get the hang of it. This guide will mainly focus on how to get a simple avatar from a game into VRChat. Once you've created one character, you can continue to more advanced guides which will cover MMD and other rigged models. For this guide I'm going simply by a downloaded model which has a T-Pose and will rig it with Mixamo autorigger.

Pardon the poor image quality, Steam apperantly likes to shrink images to 1x1 :/


Einen Avatar zu erstellen ist im grunde sehr einfach, sobald man einmal den Dreh raus hat. Dieser Guide fokussiert sich hauptsächlich darauf, einen Charakter eines Spieles zu importieren. Wenn Sie einmal Ihren ersten Avatar erstellt haben, können Sie weitere Guides aufsuchen, um zum Beispiel MMD charaktäre (MMD = Miku Miku Dance) zu importieren. In diesem Guide wird aber erstmals ein Charakter in einer T-Pose heruntergeladen, und mit Mixamo automatisch gerigged. Das heisst es werden Knochen hinzugefügt,

Bitte entschuldigen Sie die schlechte Bildqualität, Steam scheint es zu mögen bilder auf 1x1 Pixel zu skalieren...
Versions and Downloads

First off we need to clarify, what versions of what we are using. In this guide I will allways use the following versions of Programs:

You can click the names of the Files you want to immediatly download them, without having to look out on the wides of the INTERNET!


Als Erstes müssen wir uns auf eine Version von Unity und der SDK einigen. In diesem Guide werden folgende Versionen verwendet:

Sie können die Namen direkt anklicken, um die Software herunter zu laden.


At first, we have to install Unity[unity3d.com].

The only important thing to note here is to leave the default checkmarks checked. If you want example unity projects, which can show you how unity is beeing handled, check the "Example Projects" checkbox.

Whilst unity is installing, we can allready find a model which we want to import into VRChat. In our case, I would reccommend using THE MODELS RESOURCE[www.models-resource.com] because it gives you a wide varriety of T-Posed characters of different games. If you want, you can also try using other sites, a wide varriety of model Websites can be found here[vrchat.wikia.com] but you have to be carefull that they are in a T-Pose as this is neccessairy for this guide.

For this guide I will chose Mario from Mario Sunshine[www.models-resource.com] With a press on "Download ZIP Archive" You can download that model.

Congratulations, you've successfully made your first steps into Unity! Now you can launch Unity.

Now when you start Unity for the first time, log in with your (Probably non existing) Account or create one if the words in the brackets before are true for you.

Now click the button which sais "Create Project" and name the project something like "VRChat_Assets". Afterwards, set the Path to the project. I will use the default Path in this Guide
Now select "Create Project"

IMPORTANT! If Unity asks you to update your Unity DO NOT UPDATE! (And also tell it to never check for updates, as this will bring up the prompt every time you restart unity.)

Now when you have opened Unity and your project, open the VRCSDK (link will follow) and import EVERY file. This is crucial for the communication between Unity and VRChat.

Now pardon me if I interrupt you in anything. BUT i have to be very serious right now. In fact so serious that it is a matter of Good or bad organisation. If you just throw all your models into one folder. that's okay! No Problem there! BUT please do me a favour and dont throw it into the main directory. At least create a subfolder called "Models" (with right click next to the folder VRCSDK in your assets.) If you have a better sortiment of folder Structure, or have at least created that one subfolder, then I will allow you to continue.

Rig your character
Now that you have your Character downloaded and Unity set up. It's time to rig your character. at least as good as possible.

For this guide we will use the Mixamo Autorigger[www.mixamo.com] to rig our character.

On the website, click on "Rig your character" and then in the header, (the bar in the top) hit upload.
To upload the character simply select it from the opened filemanager.

When it has been uploaded. you should see your character looking at you. make sure it's correctly turned, so it looks at you. Also, dont worry if you have a gray avatar like me, the textures will usually only be visible on certain models. we will fix that later.

Now drag the points colorful points into the correct position. The small picture on the right can give you an Idea how to c orrectly position the points

After that, Mixamo will show your character in a 3D space, looking around and wondering what wonders of the world it will see... other players, that is.

Now that you see your creation, rigged and full of joy, press the "Queue Download" button and select "Fbx for unity" and "T-Pose". Once you click onto download you should get your "MODELNAME".FBX.
Import your character
I messed up, by corrupting my Virtual Machine, thus removing my models from before. BUT: I reinitialized the steps and made everything like I've written it down, just with another model. (Robomario[www.models-resource.com]) I hope this will not set you up too much and I wish happy continuation!

Now that you have downloaded your freshly rigged FBX, we can continue to Unity. But first we have to import our model into it. This is done by simply draging it into the models folder like in the picture to the left. When you now load up unity, it will process the information.

Once Unity has loaded your files, you have to click onto the model itself and select "Rig" in the top right to set it to "Humanoid". This is important, because VRC will not read your model if it's a generic. Afterwards, drag the model from the asset browser (the bottom one) into your hirarchy on the left. Your model should now be displayed in the 3d editor!

Finalize your model

When Mixamo does not recognize your textures, we have to texture our model on our own. But that's no problem for us "Soon to become Pros" Simply drag and drop the textures from the asset browser onto the model in the 3d Editor. I've compaired the model with the picture on the models-resource and realised, the the handtextures have not been implemented correctly, so I went for a plain white and gave all 3 materials a metallic gloss... you can do that aswell by opening the "materials" folder in your asset browser and marking all 3 materials.

I also set two spotlights into marios eyes, to give him a more robot-ish feeling.... creeeepyyyyy... Also, I scaled him up, because he was too small. As a refference I used the sample avatar (by draging it into the viewer) which can be found at
"VRCSDK\Examples\Sample Assets\SampleAssets\ThirdPersonCharacter"
Upload your Avatar

FINALLY! You are ready... not completely, but THEORETICALLY you would be! You now only have to do the part of uploading! But that's no problem either: just go to your title bar and click "VRChat SDK" Followed by "Show Build Controll Panel"

In said panel which opens in the top left (I searched for it for about 30 mins the first time...) you have to log in to procceed.
IMPORTANT: You CANNOT log in with your steam account right now. Maybe in the future you can merge those two accounts, but for now you HAVE to create a VRC account (That's marketing right there ;) )

SO. Logged in with your VRC account you will notice that there will be 2 little errors. Or better 1 error and 1 Warning. The first thing, which says that your SDK is newer than vrc, is irrellevant, due to the fact that for some reason the sdk should be newer than vrchat. Which makes total sense, since 2016 is newer than 2017, isn't it? Jokes aside, you can ignore that by any means and continue to the error, now this is a bigger problem, in fact this needs to be fixed to upload the avatar. But no worries, I got you covered. By unsing just 3 little steps we fix this.

  1. Click your model in the hirarchy so it gets displayed on the left inside of the inspector.
  2. See that field which sais "Animator"? In the controller section press the cute little knob on the left and select "SimpleAvatarController". This is the default Moveset of the model.
  3. Press "Add component" in the Inspector and select the "VRC_Avatar_Descriptor"

    Now look at that little knob in front of marios face. I set this to the position X=0 Y=1.4 and Z=0.27. That is the position of the viewpoint. So basically where your head will be. Now you might be asking me: "But Vinyl? The head of the Human body is supposed to be on top of the spine or neck of said human. How on earth did you come up with the splendit idea of setting the camera on top of that robots nostreals?" Now that is a good question dear Unity developer, but the answer is simple. Think of it as if Mario, the robot, would wear an HMD aswell. Now set that HMD position as your head point and you have yourself the perfect spot for the viewpoint.

Now one last thing before you upload your character. You HAVE to have less than 20'000 Polygons, because else it would lag out every other player. Not that it's possible, but I just want to inform you, that 20'000 is the maximum of Poligons that VRC will allow you to use.

Now. That everything has ben settled up, we can finally press the holy button of "Build and Publish" BUT as a responsible author of this guide I have to tell you about what happened on the screenshot, there is still a warning, which basically just says, that my avatar is too short, but I like him that way.

So. Now you can press the upload button and save your Model as a Unity scene. Protip, create a new folder called "Scenes" for that purpose.

Now that you are in the Game window you can set a Name and Description onto your Model. Sadly, only the Name will be displayed in VRChat BUT it's still good to have a description in your Avatar. You may have noticed that there has been some stuff added to the hirarchy, but when you switch to the Editor, the only thing that matters is the VRCCam, because that's the thing that creates the preview Picture (see Picture under this text)

Now you can just hit Upload and settle back as you watch the loading bar go up until you will get told, that your upload has been successfull. If that is the case, I congratulate you to your first model Upload. Go ahead and try it in VR!

20 megjegyzés
.:Ω-420:. 2018. nov. 16., 3:31 
The Guide is outdated you need 5.6 and have to set up the spine in a different way.
But most of the information is still valid...
MlNl SPARTAN 2017. dec. 28., 12:58 
@dolandak Do not download from this guide, directly from the page [www.vrchat.net]
SDK appears down :3
thazine 2017. dec. 26., 12:04 
Ofend me on my profile
MrBaracu 2017. okt. 12., 10:20 
Not really that outdated because i use this.
Deroth Birtun 2017. szept. 19., 3:22 
When i open the VRChat SDK on unity it shows only "Clear Cache and PlayerPrefs"
what do i need to do?
Spectral Reaver 2017. szept. 17., 12:52 
I uploaded the avatar and I can not see it in the game, I am sure I am using the right account and everything. Does somebody knows why is this.
NEETpill 2017. aug. 25., 11:12 
How do I download avatars off Steam workshop?
MJD3rp 2017. aug. 23., 15:08 
did this game update to unity 6.5?
Ciwe 2017. aug. 11., 16:47 
can you rig just the arms if you are doing a ghost or something
wow 2017. aug. 6., 20:51 
Any character I try to upload to Mixamo dosen't work... I just says that it couln't read my file...