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A more Siren-like cousin of European Merpeople, Morgens are native to the waters of Breton and of Wales - both inland and coastal, being uniquely able to handle both fresh and saltwater - and, despite the distances between these places, will regularly make travels between their colonies to meet with cousins. Morgens are known for singing so enchantingly as to convince those they sing to of illusions beneath the waves, at which point they will drown and eat them. This has been largely curtailed by recent ward applications around the territories of these creatures but there is only ever so much magic can do.

In some myths it was Morgens who taught the great Dark Witch Morgan le Fay (also called Morgana) how to enchant and entrap things with magic, and that it was their influence which made her magics so impenetrable and powerful against the magics of Merlin. The beauty of Morgens is oft told of, and some stories claim that they are the cause of the fall of the city of Ys, now a complex mer-colony off the French Coast, and they are often claimed to exist around the coast of Somerset in England, though sightings are rare.

While Morgens are not nearly as deadly as mer such as Sirens, Adaro or Rusalka - and indeed have had some positive human interactions, with a half-human Morgen being raised by her wixen father - they are nonetheless capable of being incredibly dangerous, and it is not unusual for local groups to place wards around the waters Morgens live in, in order to ensure they are not enchanted and drowned.

Damsels by ryuloulou

(Read about the mythological Morgens Here. A Minor Point of Confusion has been fixed! I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.)

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