
Wellntel in California

Know Water

We streamline the work to understand water resources so you can operate and manage sustainably, and in real-time.

Sensors | Cloud | Analytics for businesses, farms and communities who care about water.

What We Help You To Do

We collect, store and present water information from field sensors, observations and proprietary and public data.

We confirm your understanding of the water resource, report in real-time and alert when there is cause.

We help you, your teams, your neighbors and your constituents to Know Water and manage the resource sustainably.

Our Work in Numbers




Local Networks


Awards won

25 million+

Records collected, stored and shared (and counting)

Water certainty in real-time

Water Questions:

  • How much water is available and where?
  • Where is the risk?
  • Do trends in use and supply foretell problems?
  • Are we in compliance?
  • How do we manage the water we have?
  • How should we engage stakeholders?
  • How do we minimize impact and sustainably manage?

Wellntel Answers:

Wellntel is a Water Information System that can dramatically expand and simplify measurement and reporting of the resource and ultimately, its sustainable management.

  • Remotely monitor and automatically manage with 90% less field work, zero spreadsheet jockeying and exponentially more useful information
  • Comprehensive water information in one secure place: ground and surface level, flow, precipitation, pumping, and recharge
  • Real-time, continuous, tailored metrics at your fingertips 
  • Intuitive visual and analytical tools simplify analysis, help managers get to conclusions fast.
  • Local, regional and enterprise-wide understanding and decision-support
  • Actionable alerts so managers can respond to urgent issues immediately.
Wellntel’s Analytics Dashboard combining groundwater and precipitation information to understand relationship(s)

Our Products


Remote Networks

If your goal is to understand the water cycle in a remote place or on private land, we can help you plan the most efficient combination of data locations, hardware requirements, local metrics and shared reports.

Local Networks

If your goal is to understand the water cycle in a community, we can help you to create a local network, mixing agency, farm and private domestic wells (through a voluntary or public/private sharing program), to lower costs and tap into existing infrastructure. And we will help you connect the participants remotely.

Data Tools

Water Data Management

If you have been collecting water information from conventional sources, Wellntel can provide the Data Management infrastructure to speed and simplify your work moving forward. We’ll help you assemble your research into powerful and permanent integrated record and reporting vehicle.

Water Data Exchange

If you are running water cycle or groundwater models, Wellntel can provide accurate and reliable water groundtruth to make the models more accurate, more predictive and more actionable. We’ll help you connect, retrieve and apply historic and most-recent water information in your own analyses.

News, Technical Bulletins, Musings: