10 Movie Mistakes That Made Characters Look Like Idiots

5. Sebulba Ducks Down Mid-Flight - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Avengers Endgame Black Widow

This "mistake" was admittedly an intentional feat of corner-cutting on the part of the filmmakers, but fans certainly aren't wrong for pointing it out.

During Star Wars: The Phantom Menace's breakneck pod race sequence, there's an apparent VFX screw-up when Anakin (Jake Lloyd) is being tailed by his primary rival Sebulba (Lewis MacLeod) near race's end.

When Sebulba pursues Anakin in the background, he's bafflingly nowhere to be seen in his pod, only to suddenly reappear in the next shot like nothing happened.

The movie's visual effects supervisor John Knoll has since admitted that Sebulba was deliberately kept out of the shot to save the VFX artists some render work when most audiences wouldn't ever notice his absence.

But between how famously finicky Star Wars fans are and that the movie has been available in 4K HDR on Disney+ for a few years now, it's little surprise that details like this have been picked up. Even if Knoll and co. did it consciously, it's still inherently a continuity mistake.

After all, even if you try to make sense of it and suggest that Sebulba ducked down underneath his dashboard, that's a mightily stupid thing to do while piloting a craft at hundreds of miles per hour, no?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.