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Kunst-Wiese im Park Sanssouci

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Art Meadow in Sanssouci Park

Painting for all in the World Heritage

Kunst-Wiese im Park Sanssouci – Kunst-Wiese im Park Sanssouci

Kunst-Wiese im Park Sanssouci – Kunst-Wiese im Park Sanssouci

Young and old are cordially invited to give free rein to their creativity on the art meadow. The diverse parks and historic buildings offer impressive motifs for self-created works of art. Artists with painting and drawing materials await the participants and support them in their artistic endeavors upon request. Those interested can simply drop by and secure one of the places. Participants should bring something to eat and drink and, if desired, their own painting materials.

We would like to thank the company boesner GmbH Berlin for their special commitment, through which we will be able to provide our guests with high-quality painting and drawing materials at the Kunstwiese again this year.

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Meeting point: On the meadow between the Neues Palais visitor center and the Südcommun

Booking: Free admission, registration is not required

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