Q&A with Lloyd Blankfein :
We are worriers, not warriors!

Lesezeit: 5 Min.
Lloyd Blankfein: „Mein Geschäft ist es, Sorge vor schwer kalkulierbaren Risiken zu empfinden.“
Goldman-CEO Lloyd Blankfein praises courageous efforts by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the European Central Bank. And he explains some dangers of regulation.
Mr. Blankfein, how would you sum up the current state of relations between the United States and Germany?

Obviously, relations between our two countries are very good over the long term. In strategic terms, our relationship is an outstanding one. But, it is true that we face some tactical challenges.

The deterioration in diplomatic ties could present a stumbling block in negotiations for the transatlantic free-trade agreement. How important is TTIP for Goldman Sachs?

We benefit generally from economic integration and expansion. Accordingly, the free-trade agreement would also be to our benefit. At Goldman Sachs, we stand firmly behind the concept of free trade. Just two weeks ago in Beijing, we put in strong support for a bilateral trade agreement between China and the United States.

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