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Butler, Vermont #9

The Long and Winding Road

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The Series Finale...this is the one you’ve been waiting for!

Max Abbott takes center stage in the Butler, Vermont Series finale when the timeline jumps forward five years and finds Max staring down his 10-year high school reunion, with no desire whatsoever to attend. Under pressure from friends and family, he ends up glad he went when he connects with the one person from high school he didn’t keep in touch with—his ex-girlfriend, Lexi, who has been “missing” the last ten years. When he finds out where she’s been—and why—and realizes all the old familiar feelings are still there, he’ll have to decide if he can risk taking a chance on an uncertain situation with her or if he’d rather continue to go it alone with his son, Caden.

Find out where all the Abbotts and Colemans are and what Fred the Moose is up to five years later as this beloved series comes to an exciting conclusion.

334 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 17, 2023

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About the author

Marie Force

168 books8,099 followers
Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance, romantic suspense and erotic romance. Her series include Gansett Island, Fatal, Treading Water, Butler Vermont and Quantum.

Her books have sold more than 12 million copies worldwide, have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have appeared on the New York Times bestseller more than 30 times. She is also a USA Today and #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, as well as a Speigel bestseller in Germany.

Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.

Join Marie’s mailing list on her website at marieforce.com for news about new books and upcoming appearances in your area. Follow her on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/MarieForceAuthor and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/marieforceauthor/. Contact Marie at marie@marieforce.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews
November 8, 2023
Ich bin nicht bereit dafür mich von dieser Serie zu verabschieden. 😢 Ich habe die Abbotts über 15 Bände verfolgt und geliebt und nun ist alles vorbei. Es war ein wundervoller Abschlussband und ich kann nicht glauben, dass es mein letzter Ausflug nach Vermont war und diese Serie abgeschlossen ist. Sie wird immer in meinem Herzen bleiben. Mein zweites Zuhause. Ich habe mich dort so wohl gefühlt. Eine Kritik hab ich jetzt trotzdem noch: Es betrifft nicht explizit die Geschichte, aber es wurden oft die Namen vertauscht und wie und wir verwechselt. Typische Fehler, die mich manchmal echt irritiert haben. Aber ich liebe diese Bücher und kann sie wirklich jedem der Cosy-Romance mag empfehlen.
5 Sterne
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,723 reviews527 followers
December 1, 2022

Max Abbott, the youngest of the Abbott family and a single dad, finally gets his book and a wonderful HEA, too. The end has arrived (at least for now) of this favorite series that introduced readers to the amazing Abbott/Coleman/Stillman families -- and Fred the Moose, of course! I hate saying good-bye to Butler, Vermont and these beloved characters -- but the joys of reading each delightful book will always remain in my memories. I absolutely loved this series.

Along with Max's featured storyline, readers won't be disappointed to find a full update included on all the unforgettable cast of characters introduced from the beginning and surprises with the new arrivals as well. You can bet your bottom dollar that Linc and Elmer are still playing matchmakers -- but they might find that they've been one-upped.

Marie Force doesn't disappoint as she gives this extraordinary family a marvelous send-off with a momentous and joyful Epilogue. Now I can only hope that on down the road she'll take us back to Butler for a visit or two with a surprise novella or a holiday book treat.


Profile Image for LeselotteLieselotte.
257 reviews7 followers
October 29, 2023
Nach 15 Bänden ist nun endgültig Schluss! Marie Force beendet ihre Lost in Love Reihe mit dem jüngsten Spross der Familie Abbott und lässt mich traurig und glücklich zurück. Seit 2016 verfolge ich die großen Liebesgeschichten der Vermonter und habe mich in Butler wie zu Hause gefühlt. Die Großfamilien der Schwestern Hanna und Molly haben mich in Atem gehalten und auf die beste Pilcher-Art unterhalten. Ich bin nun völlig fein damit, dieses guilty pleasure at acta zu legen 😉

Max Abbott ist Hannas Jüngster von 10 Kindern und der Erste, der ihr ein Enkel geschenkt hat. Nachdem ich lange darauf gewartet habe, dass auch der süße Alleinerziehende seine Herzdame findet, bin ich super happy, dass es Lexi geworden ist. Denn sie ist seine Jugendliebe und ich bin bekanntermaßen großer Fan dieses Tropes. Wie immer finden die beiden auf fast eklig kitschige Art zusammen und wärmen dabei mein Herz. Doch es ist nun wirklich an der Zeit, sich von den Figuren aus Vermont zu verabschieden. Klebrig süßer hätte ein Happy End nicht sein können und ich bin dankbar für so viele Lesestunden in absoluter, regenbogenbunter und einhörnerspringender Harmonie!
Profile Image for Amy.
898 reviews18 followers
January 22, 2023
It's been a long and winding road leading to the Butler Vermont Series conclusion. While I awaited Max's story, it was bittersweet as I didn't want to leave behind the Abbott and Coleman families.

Fans of the series will love its conclusion as all the favorite characters make an appearance. The final book was a sweet story filled with heart, reconciliation and the stories wrapping up in a satisfying bow.
Profile Image for Kaitie.
1,020 reviews28 followers
January 22, 2023
Ohhh this series. I’m so sad to see it go but so enjoyed it as the years went by! I will miss this family immensely but can’t wait for more from Marie Force!
1,602 reviews34 followers
January 20, 2023
Ok conclusion to the series, very rushed, and could have used more plot and character development. Instead this felt like a quick and slightly forced wrap-up of all the characters from the series. I would have liked more for Max.
Profile Image for Tamara.
19 reviews
January 28, 2023
Predictable, happily ever after. These are the type books I reach for when I'm so tired that I know I won't even make it through a chapter. Forgetting details doesn't matter. It's mindless reading for a work night.
Profile Image for Marcy.
1,879 reviews25 followers
January 25, 2023
Amazing finale to the series.

I fell in love with the Abbott family from the very first book. Their big family, so full of love and laughter, was one of my favorite places to visit. I have looked forward to Max's story, because he was so young when he became a single parent to Caden. I loved that his only focus, for so long, was his son, but I knew he was missing that special someone. He and Lexi have a wonderful second chance story. Their relationship changed when they went to colleges so far apart, but everything came to a stop when she disappeared from his life. It was an amazing story of survival and hope for her. The bond they had as teenagers was still there when they reconnected at their school reunion. I adored their journey to reignite their flame, and I especially loved Caden's role. He was an amazing kid. I can't say enough about this wonderful family, and I will always be hoping for more someday.
10 reviews
January 22, 2023
I have every book at Marie has written and I enjoy them all. This is the end of her Butler, VT series and I’ve been waiting forever for her to write Max’s story. It didn’t disappoint and fun to watch him get his HEA. Some parts felt a little rushed but all in all a good story.
1,514 reviews30 followers
April 13, 2023
The Long and Winding Road is the 9th and final book in the author’s Butler Vermont series, a continuation of her Green Mountain series. So in essence it serves as the grand finale for both series. My understanding is that the author published her Green Mountain series (which I have not read) under a publishing house and then decided to self-publish more books in the series requiring her to create a new series name to release them under. Interestingly, if you listen to what Megan Abbott a secondary character in this story, who is a budding author has to say about why she decides to take the self-publishing route you’ll know the reasons why Marie Force chose the same. As a second chance at love romance between single dad Max Abbott, the youngest and only still single sibling among the ten of them, and his high school sweetheart Lexi, (and not Caroline Lodge whom he hooked up with at Mia and Wade’s wedding turned out to be a red herring) I thought this book was just okay. But as a fitting end to two series it was spectacular. This story picks up five years after Izzy’s and Cabot’s story the last book. It opens with a letter from Great Grandpa Elmer telling his oldest friend all the goings on in his family allowing we readers to also catch up with whose gotten married and how many children they’ve had since Izzy and Cabot fell in love.
Noah and Lexi dated through high school and were voted their “Class Couple.” But when Lexi was intent on attending college at U. of C. at Berkley while Max was enrolled to attend The Univ. of Vermont, Max suggested they date other people rather than trying to remain exclusive while being separated by thousands of miles for the next four years, stating if they were meant to be, they would be after finishing college. Which was a very pragmatic if not very romantic idea for the 18-year-old Max to have. A broken-hearted Lexi goes off to California. After her first semester at Berkley Lexi goes radio silent and stops returning Max’s text messages, and emails. Her parents and grandparents also leave Butler, so Max has no way of knowing what is going on in Lexi’s life. He tries to forget her and move on with his life. Which is how in his senior year of college he ends up dating Chloe who gets pregnant and then leaves their son Caden for Max to raise, never being heard from again. Women disappearing on him seems to be a theme in Max’s life. It’s now ten years since high school graduation. Max is the single father of now seven-year-old Caden the light of his and his grandparents’ lives. My problem with the Caden character was that at times he acted and sounded like a typical seven-year-old but at others sounded like a kid twice his age. At this point Max’s life consists of work and Caden. After sporadic attempts at dating Max has pretty much abandoned any hope of finding the perfect person to share his and Caden’s life with as all his siblings and eight cousins have done. And he tells himself he’s fine with that. Thanks to a little manipulation by his mom Molly, Max is convinced or coerced into attending his ten year high school reunion. There one look at Lexi and all the old feels return. Once she explains what happened and why she hadn’t contacted him in a decade, any hard feeling he had harbored about her failure to communicate with him disappear like smoke in the wind.
Lexi for her part (other than for a brief unrequited infatuation with Jake her oncologist) had never stopped being in love with Max. It was thoughts of being with him that got her through her darkest hours of which we’re told there were many. Turns out in her first semester of college she was diagnosed with Leukemia and spent the next nine years in Houston Tx. in an all consuming battle for her life against the disease. She asked her family who had all moved to Houston to support her to keep her diagnosis to themselves not wanting even Max to know what she was going through. Now with her cancer in remission for the past year and a half and her doctors giving her reason to believe she can live a normal life, she returns to Butler for the first time in a decade to attend her high school reunion hoping to find Max there and at least explain why she fell off the map for all of those years. She has no more idea of Max’s life since she left Butler than he has of hers. I confess I found Lexi’s reasoning for not letting Max know for almost a decade what she was experiencing a little specious. I also found it confusing that when she leads with almost her first words to Max being “I came for you,” she then counsels him to slow his roll when he starts talking about picking up where they left off in high school. Her altruistic reasoning made sense, not wanting Max and Caden to get too involved with her only to have her cancer reappear and get sucked into her drama. But if that was the case, why tell him she returned to Butler after ten long years for him? Lexi her life experiences since becoming an adult being limited to fighting her cancer, seems wiser than Max when it comes to his own son. Realizing that Caden may have trouble accepting a woman into his father’s life after he’d been the sole focus of his attention since his birth. Which he does. When Max sees this is true, he wisely agrees to try and ease the idea of Lexi into Caden’s life. But Max is also a bit pigheaded when it comes to allowing Caden’s fears of Lexi being a perceived threat to his relationship with his father to threaten his relationship with Lexi even after his all wise parents strongly advise him that he cannot let the wishes of a seven-year-old determine whether he should move forward with a relationship with Lexi. My other problem with this romance is the same as it has been for the past few books in this series. In what I assume is supposed to be romantic dialogue the protagonists keep telling each other how until they met (or in this case reconnected) they had given up on ever falling in love. Once or twice fine. But the author has her characters repeating this dialogue over and over again whether it was Noah and Brianna or Cabot and Izzy or now Max and Lexi. I wish I had a dollar for every time Max told Lexi he realizes she was the reason he could never commit to another woman since they split after high school graduation or that Lexi told Max she had always sloved him and the hopes of having a life with him kept her going during her grueling battle with cancer. I will say that the way the author portrayed Chloe’s reappearance and the way Max handled it with the advice of Lexi and his parents felt very realistic and well done.
For me, one of the best parts of the books in this series has been the author’s continued inclusion of all the characters from her previous and future books in each story. In every book in this series the main protagonists siblings and cousins make frequent appearances sometimes playing important roles. Which is what you’d expect in this close knit family but don’t often get in contemporary romance series. Although if I’m being honest the Coleman side of the family got sort of short shrift compared to the Abbotts in this series. While all of the Abbot’s siblings and their parents got their own books only the three oldest of the Colemans, Grayson, Noah and Isabella got their own books. Vanessa the next oldest (like her mother and Ray’s story) sort of got her and Troy’s story shoe horned in with her sister Izzy’s and Cabot’s. The author after writing nearly twenty books around this family over ten years must have needed to move on because for the younger four Coleman siblings we just got updates on what was going on in their lives as far as marital status and children. For example, after being told the youngest Coleman Sarah in her fourth year of a five year nursing program was having questions about whether to continue in an earlier book, we never know whether she did. All we know is she’s falling in love with and eventually marries some guy named Nathaniel. My only other disappointment with this happily ever after was that Mia never fully reconciled with her mother. Putting aside the author’s decision to end this series without giving the younger Coleman siblings their own fleshed out stories, she did a masterful job of giving us in depth looks at how all eighteen of the Abbot and Coleman cousins and their parents were faring. She spends some time giving readers a brief history of their relationships beginnings and showing their current lives. In the epilogue in another letter from Elmer to the same friend we even get a brief glimpse into the future lives of the Abbots and Colemans. The family’s final Christmas gathering was the perfect vehicle to show each of the Abbot’s character and unique relationships. I really did feel for long suffering Nolan having to deal with Hannah’s crazy affection for Dexter now a nearly full grown bull moose. Molly Abbot’s gleeful revelation to her chagrined husband Linc and father Elmer near the end of this story after Max and Lexi announce their engagement was amusing and a along with Grandpa Great Elmer’s letter in the epilogue was a great way to end this big family, small town romantic series. I think Linc and Molly were my favorite couple in this series setting the gold standard their children and nieces and nephews strived to find in a life partner.
100 reviews
January 22, 2023
A great wrap up to this series. I wouldn’t recommend it as a stand-alone, but insure recommend the entire series.
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,028 reviews59 followers
January 20, 2023
perfect ending to series

I enjoyed Max and Lexi’s story and this journey to their HEA. Getting to catch up with the rest of the family was an added bonus.

I think Dexter and Fred need their own book.
Profile Image for Vicky.
2,103 reviews25 followers
January 17, 2023
I do find the switches in some of the chapters focussing on characters other than the leads confusing... but, I always did!

Far too convoluted for me... and it kind of ended too soon... I feel the epilogue should've been further into the future.

I do have fond memories of many of the Butler tales... and do love the overall feel of the series.
Profile Image for Shannon.
569 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2023
I have to say. I was bored. I really loved the first few book in this series. Then it just got to be to sweet, to much of the same, and to many pages of other couples again and again in books that weren’t theirs. I don’t mind tidbits about past couples but it really takes away form THIS couple when so much of the book is dedicated to others. This book was insta love-ish. I’m not really a fan. I was happy Max got his HEA.
Also, I was sick of hearing about the damn baby moose and really, bring it in the house like a dog? Just too…..something. I am glad the series is done. I think it just got a little ridiculous towards the last few books.
Profile Image for Kerstin Cornils.
254 reviews
February 3, 2024
Das Cover zeigt eine idyllische Landschaftsaufnahme mit Wasser und Bergen. Am Rand steht ein Mann, der eine Frau Huckepack trägt. Die beiden scheinen mit der Natur zu verschmelzen. Es ist ein ganz typisches Cover für die Lost in Love – Die Green-Mountain-Serie von Marie Force.

Eine Ewigkeit für uns von Marie Force wurde von Christiane Marx eingelesen und erschien im Argon Verlag. Es ist der 15. und abschließende Band der Lost in Love – Die Green-Mountain-Serie der Autorin um die Familie Abbott. Mit dem letzten Buch reise ich wieder nach Butler und darf Max Abbott nochmal im Fokus kennenlernen. Er ist der jüngste der zehn Abbott Geschwister. Als alleinerziehender Vater hat der 28 jährige lange bei seinen Eltern gewohnt. Inzwischen ist er mit seinem siebenjährigen Sohn Kedan in das Haus seines Großvaters gezogen. Als zweite Protagonistin möchte ich Lexi nach kurz vorstellen. Sie hat zusammen mit Max die Highschool besucht und kommt jetzt anlässlich des zehnjährigen Jubiläums zurück nach Butler. Alles weitere kann man sich an zwei Händen abzählen.

Die Geschichte startet mit einem Brief von Elmar, den Großvater der Abbotts Kinder an seinen langjährigen Freund. Es ist quasi ein Stammbaum seiner Familie und enthält alle wichtigen Zahlen und Beziehungen über seine Enkelkinder und Urenkelkinder. An dieser Stelle habe ich mir gewünscht das Buch in Händen zu halten, da sich das vermutlich sehr viel besser liest, als es zu hören. Aber es war auch ein guter Einstieg, um sich die letzten 14 Bücher nochmal in Erinnerung zu rufen. Ich habe ein jedes gelesen bzw. gehört. In der Summe kommt Elmar an dieser Stelle auf 41 Urenkelkinder. Danach startet die eigentliche Geschichte von Max und Lexi.

Ich habe jede Minute des Hörbuchs genossen und durfte fast alle geliebten Figuren aus Butler wiedersehen oder besser gesagt hören. Dabei hat Christiane Marx mit ihrer Stimme wieder alles gegeben. Es ist einfach ein Genuss ihr zuzuhören und sofort die verschiedenen Charaktere auseinanderhalten zu können. Für mich gehört die Sprecherin zu einer meiner liebsten und so habe ich schon so manches Hörbuch einfach nur gehört, weil ihr Name auf dem Cover vermerkt war.

Für mich ist es ein gelungener Abschluss der Buchserie. Ich habe das Hörbuch mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge verschlungen. Zu gerne würde ich weiterhin regelmäßig nach Butler reisen. Doch sind die Protagonisten inzwischen alle zu Wort gekommen, und so ist das Kernthema einfach aus erzählt. Sehr schön fand ich am Ende dann noch die Bilanz von Elmar, der so die Geschichte in einen Rahmen bettet.

Mit dem 15. Band haben nun alle zehn Abbott Kinder ihre Geschichte bekommen und darüber hinaus durfte ich auch die Liebe der Eltern und der erweiterten Familie kennenlernen. Ich finde es gut, dass die Autorin jetzt einen Schlussstrich zieht, da ansonsten die einzelnen Liebesbeziehungen sich doch zu sehr ähneln. Mit dem letzten Buch macht sie aufmerksam auf eine Leukämieerkrankung und wie sie das Leben eines Menschen prägt. Ich finde es wichtig, auch mal Liebesromane dafür zu nutzen, um auf ernste und wichtige Themen aufmerksam zu machen, auch wenn hier am Ende alles gut ausgehet, was im echten Leben ja nicht unbedingt der Fall ist. Aber wir wollen ja die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben und genau diese kann man hier im Buch finden.

Hast du Lust auf einen spannenden Abschluss der 15teiligen Liebesromanserie von Marie Force? Dann schnappe dir „Eine Ewigkeit für uns“ und lass dich von Max und Lexi nach Butler entführen. Du solltest am besten schon ein paar Bücher der Serie kennen, um alles möglichst in vollen Zügen genießen zu können. Die Geschichte um Max ist zwar in sich geschlossen, doch ist es einfach schöner, wenn man ihn und seinen Sohn Kedan schon länger kennt und weiß wie es zu dieser Situation gekommen ist. Von mir gibt es eine ganz klare Leseempfehlung, auch wenn ich mich jetzt leider von der Familie Abbott verabschieden muss. Aber ich kann ja immer mal wieder in die Hörbücher hinein hören.
Profile Image for Elizabeth H..
963 reviews76 followers
February 8, 2024
I have loved this series since its inception as the Green Mountain series through Berkley Romance many years ago. What first drew me to the series was that the book titles are Beatles’ songs and I am a HUGE Beatles fan. Another reason why I gave this series a try is because I was genuinely curious about a series with 10 siblings in a small Vermont town finding and falling in love with their people. I am also a big small-town romance gal because I grew up in one. I actually started the second book in the series first, and was completely HOOKED!

Each and every story is beautifully and lovingly crafted with wit, heart and hilarity. I was a little crushed when the publisher stopped the Green Mountain series at six books (since there are 10 siblings) but was thrilled when Ms. Force decided to continue the stories through the indie publishing route and renaming the series after the fictional town name, Butler, VT. Each book, each couple, and each and every amazing character has helped me weather this thing called life on so many occasions. I always feel like I’m coming home with every page turn, every laugh, every cry, and every HEA.

So, of course, finding out that this is the last book in the series, my heart is broken. I’m adrift and alone. Dramatic much? Absolutely. A little selfish? Probably. I understand why Ms. Force did it, but are we really reasonable when an author we love ends the beautiful world we’ve invested ourselves, our feelings, and our hopes and dreams in? It’s like each and every character is a member of our own family. Okay, okay, enough with the sappy stuff. Let’s get on with the review…

The Long and Winding Road gets a good and proper sendoff to the series, the characters and is a beautiful love letter to all the readers who are deeply devoted to and champions of the books. Our last main man is Max, the baby of the Abbott family. He’s got a second chance at first love and it’s a beautifully fragile–and exhilarating–experience. I love Max and Lexi’s story and their determination to make this second chance work. Max is a single dad so there are some hiccups along the way with acclimating Lexi into their family, and a few surprise obstacles that could make or break the couple. No one ever said love was easy, but it’s so easy to love and hope for a better, brighter future for this cute little family.

I am so sad as I write this but I am so happy and so privileged to read and love this series that continues to stick with me year after year. Thank you, Marie Force, for the laughs, the love, and for sharing your stories with us.

I whole-heartedly recommend the Green Mountain and Butler, VT books to any reader that craves a small-town romance series with a big heart, bigger laughs, and love, so much love!
200 reviews2 followers
November 5, 2023
Max Abbott ist das jüngste von 10 Geschwistern. Trotzdem weiß er, was es heißt, wenn einem das Herz gebrochen wird. Nachdem ihn seine große Liebe verlassen hat, war es mit der Mutter seines kleines Sohnes dasselbe. Daher hat er kein Interesse an Frauen und kümmert sich ausschließlich um seine kleine Familie. Beim 10jährigen Klassentreffen steht er plötzlich Lexi gegenüber und die alten Gefühle sind wieder da. Doch hinter Lexi liegt eine harte Zeit und in Max Leben geht es nicht mehr nur um ihn. Gibt es für die beiden trotzdem eine zweite Chance?

Mit dem 15. Band „Eine Ewigkeit für uns“ schließt Marie Force ihre Serie über die Familie Abbott ab. Seit Jahren lese ich diese Serie und ich verlasse Butler mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge. Zu Beginn dieses Bandes machen wir einen kleinen Zeitsprung, der wunderbar durch einen Brief von Elmer an einen alten Freund dargestellt wird.

Max hat mir in den letzten Bänden schon gut gefallen. Wie er in seine Vaterrolle gewachsen ist und seine Aufgaben und Probleme meistert. Er und sein Sohn Caden bilden ein unschlagbares Team.
Von Lexi war bisher nur bekannt, dass sie Max erste große Liebe war und dann plötzlich der Kontakt abgebrochen ist. Mehr war Max nicht bereit preis zu geben. Als Lexi dann in diesem Band nach Butler zurückkehrt und ihre Geschichte erzählt, war schnell klar, dass die beiden füreinander geschaffen sind. Trotzdem gab es noch einiges zu bedenken, gerade auch mit Caden, aber die Beiden bzw. die drei haben eine wundervolle Art mit der Situation umzugehen.
Wie in allen Bänden der Reihe, stehen auch hier zwei Personen im Vordergrund, aber alle 10 Geschwister und zum Teil auch ihre Tante mit ihrem Mann und ihre Cousins und Cousinen kommen zu Wort. Das hat unter anderem mit dem tollen Familienzusammenhalt der Abbotts/Stillmans/Colemans zu tun.
Das Buch endet mit einem schönen Happy End und einem Epilog, der wiederum dargestellt in einem Brief von Elmer, noch einmal einen runden Abschluss bildet.

Mein Highlight war allerdings die Enthüllung über Molly, die so einiges in ein anderes Licht rückt. Mehr wird jetzt aber nicht verraten.

Ein gelungener Abschluss für diese wunderbare Serie.
Profile Image for Slick.
1,221 reviews42 followers
March 21, 2023
This gets 4 stars because it was Max. Anyone who has read this series has been cheering for Max since he became a single parent at 23 after his baby mama decided she didn't want to be a parent and signed her rights over to him. Max stepped up and he will be the first to tell you he was lucky as he had parents, a grandfather, and 9 siblings and their significant others, and 8 cousins to hep him when he needed it. Max knows he's blessed to have that, but even with all the help Max has been there for his son Caden from the start and now 8 years later they are a team. Max has watched all his siblings and most of his cousins find their perfect match and fall in love and at one point he wanted that for himself, but he's started to believe it won't happen and made peace with it because his son is his life. When his Mom pretty much goads him into going to his 10 year high school reunion betting him $100 that he'll stay out half the night with him saying he'll be home early he goes and runs into his high school girlfriend, the one that dropped completely out of his life halfway through his freshman year in college. He spent time trying to find Lexi and her family on social media but at one point he had to let her go it was too hard on him to keep looking for someone who obviously didn't want to be found. The last ten years were a struggle for Lexi and as she discloses to Max all she's been through he can't help but be happy she's alive and standing in front of him.

I loved that these two found one another and that they got a second chance. I felt it was all a bit too neat and rushed but that's kind of been this whole series so at this point I'm used to it. I felt like Max deserved a big romance, sweeping, epic and sadly it wasn't that but he did seem happy so I'll have to be happy with it.
437 reviews
May 14, 2023
The Long and Winding Road is book nine of the Butler Vermont Series by Marie Force. It is the final book in the continuation of the Green Mountain Series by the same author. I have read Marie Force before, but neither of the abovementioned series. I am nine books into the Butler series, and sad to see it end. It is good but is too easy for the characters. I like her writing, but it is usually in the form of murder in the Fatal Series and the Quantum Series, so this was new for me. I enjoyed this book.
I DID NOT read the Green Mountain Series first. This is a standalone book, but there are cross-over characters from the other series. Reading the previous books gives you background and a glimpse into the characters. This book is about the Coleman and Abbott families.

The main characters of this book are Max Abbott, a single father who works in the family sugaring facility and the Christmas Tree farm, and Lexi, who is in remission from Leukemia. Max and Lexi were high school sweethearts who went to college on different coasts. They never broke up, but Max tried to move on while Lexi ghosted him while fighting cancer. At their ten-year class reunion, they find each other and pick right up where they left off. Love blooms quickly.
This was a very sweet, nice love story. This book has more to offer than some of the others, but it is relatively easy for both of them to get together for the rest of their lives.
This book is all romance and a well-written book with a great plot.
There is no cheating, no cliffhanger, a dual POV, 334 pages, and HEA.

Profile Image for Lea.
164 reviews
November 23, 2023

In dem fünfzehnten Band der Green Mountain Serie von Marie Force, geht es um Max und Lexi.
Auf einer Feier von ihrer damaligen Highschool Klasse treffen Max und Alexis auf einander. Vor zehn Jahren waren beide ein harmonisches Paar, doch Lexi zog fürs Studium weg und meldete sich danach nicht mehr bei Max. Max kümmerte sich nach der Highschool alleine um seinen kleinen Sohn. Doch nach all den Jahren haben die beiden immer noch Gefühle für einander und es fühlt sich für Max und Lexi an als wäre die Zeit ein wenig stehen geblieben.
Finden beide wieder zu einander.

Persönliche Meinung:
Mir hat der letzte Band der Green Mountain Serie von Marie Force, gut gefallen. Max und Lexi als Hauptcharaktere fand ich sehr authentisch und sympathisch beschrieben.
Auch die Geschwister von Max spielen wieder eine Rolle in dem Band, sie unterstützen Max bei der Erziehung von seinem Sohn und geben ihm gute Ratschläge was die Beziehung zwischen ihm und Lexi angeht.
Die weitere Entwicklung der ganz Familie Abbot fand ich gut beschrieben, zu jeder Person gab es zwischendurch ein paar kurze Szenen was den weiteren Verlauf ihrer Beziehung angeht.
Ich hoffe das die Autorin vielleicht noch mal ein paar Bücher schreibt in der es um die Abbot Familie geht vielleicht über die Cousinen und Cousins. Ich würde mich sehr da drüber freuen.

Ein toller Abschluss Band der Reihe.
Das Buch bekommt von mir fünf Sterne.
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
4,910 reviews181 followers
March 7, 2023
5 Star Review of The Long and Winding Road (Butler, Vermont #9)


I love my visits to Vermont and I feel that the Abbott and Coleman families are now old friends. Have you ever wanted desperately to start a book but on the other hand didn’t as you know that once you finish it the series will be over? That’s the position I was in with this book.

This book was a fabulous addition to the series and I was riveted to the story and narration. I knew that Ms. Force would do something special for Max’s book and I was not disappointed.

Avery Caris did a wonderful job in narrating Max Abbott and his ex-girlfriend Lexi’s second chance at love story. Her voice is easy to listen to and did justice to the characters and the story that Marie Force wove.

Marie Force did not disappoint in any way. Starting with the prologue and ending with the epilogue from Elmer was absolutely fitting. This was an extremely well written, sweet and romantic love story that touched me on so many levels.

A fitting conclusion to one of my favourite series.

Profile Image for Gail.
Author 24 books213 followers
March 18, 2023
Sweet romance about the youngest of the 10 Abbott children in Vermont. This is the virtually conflict-free story of Max who became a single father at 22, and his high school girlfriend who went away to college in California, then disappeared off the face of the earth. At their 10-year high school reunion, they are each encouraged to attend, perhaps even arm-twisted into it, and when they see each other, it's like the 10-year gap never happened. And that's pretty much all she wrote. We visit the other members of the family and count up grandkids. The moose pay a visit. Other things happen, but nothing bad. It's all conflict lite. It's a nice story. I liked it well enough but wished for some actual angst.

The cover shows a couple in swimsuits with hills behind them-- nothing to do with the story. Lexi, the heroine, has moved to Houston and when he goes to visit, they spend the time in Galveston. But there are no actual scenes at the beach. And there are no hills in Galveston. Believe me. I live in Galveston and it is flat, flat, flat. There are barely sand dunes.
Profile Image for Meine_Buecher.
306 reviews
October 29, 2023
Max Abbott hat eigentlich gar keine Lust, an seinem zehnjährigen Klassentreffen teilzunehmen, da diejenige, die er wirklich unbedingt sehen wollen würde, bislang nie aufgetaucht ist. Seine Mutter überredet ihn, wenigstens kurz dort vorbeizusehen, um alten Freunden Hallo zu sagen. Zu seiner Überraschung trifft er dort vollkommen unerwartet doch auf Lexi, seine Ex-Freundin und große Liebe, zu der der Kontakt nach dem Abschluss von jetzt auf gleich abgerissen ist. Seit damals hat er Lexi nicht mehr gesehen, doch in seinem Kopf und seinem Herz war sie immer da. Als er nun erfährt, was der Grund für Lexis Untertauchen war, ist er geschockt, denn sie hat eine schwere Zeit durchleben müssen, von der niemand etwas ahnen konnte.
Lexi ist nur aus einem Grund zum Klassentreffen gekommen: um Max Abbott wiederzusehen. Sie hofft sehr, dass sie die dunklen Jahre nun hinter sich lassen kann und wieder ihr Leben leben kann. Vorzugsweise mit einem Mann, den sie aus ganzem Herzen liebt. Doch zehn Jahre sind eine lange Zeit und auch in Max' Leben hat sich einiges Verändert. Das Wichtigste ist der kleine Caden, Max' Sohn, der der Mittelpunkt seines Lebens ist. Auch wenn alte Gefühle sofort wiedererwachen..., Glück ist zerbrechlich. Das wissen beide.
Kann es trotz allem eine zweite Chance für ihre Liebe geben?

„Eine Ewigkeit Für Uns“ ist der 15. und leider, leider letzte Teil der wunderbaren Lost-In-Love Green-Mountain-Reihe von Marie Force. Den Abschluss bildet die Geschichte rund um Max, den jüngsten Spross des Abbotts. Seine Situation als alleinerziehender Vater haben wir über etliche Bände mitbekommen, nun bekommt auch er schlussendlich seine zweite Chance für die erste große Liebe.
Der Schreibstil ist gewohnt flüssig zu lesen und auch die Erzählweise ist einfach wunderbar bildhaft und wohlig-warm-unterhaltsam.
Wundervoll fand ich auch, Neuigkeiten von allen Abbotts und Colemans - und auch von Stadtelch Fred und "Baby-Elch" Dexter- zu hören.
Eine echte Überraschung waren die Enthüllungen über Molly, die damit einen Triumpf über ihren Mann Linc und Vater Elmer feiert. Was für eine Überraschung.
Das Audiobook wurde von Christiane Marx mit einer wunderbar unterhaltsamen Erzählstimme eingelesen.

Mit dieser Story hat Marie Force ein großartiges Ende für diese Wohlfühlreihe gefunden. Ich habe die Jahre, die ich in Butler, Vermont verbringen durfte, einfach nur genossen und werde die einzigartigen, liebenswerteren Charaktere immer in meinem kleinen Bücherherzen behalten.
Profile Image for Meghan.
2,700 reviews6 followers
April 16, 2023
Full circle

Max showed up in the first book with a heck of a surprise that has led his path through the series. Now we learn more of his story before fatherhood and we meet a special character in Lexi. They are adorable together and seeing her family and his family rally around them and their history was so uplifting and enjoyable. Elmer is the MVP. His role with family makes me smile in every book and even his name with his great grandchildren makes you want to just hug him. Molly had a surprising addition to the book and series which I loved! Talk about a twist. As with all MF series and especially endings we got a little mention of most characters and got to see how they are doing! The updated chart at the front was super helpful. A great series and fantastic ending, though I will fingers crossed that we return again to this magical town and family based on the little ending footnote❤️
Profile Image for AnnE.
46 reviews
January 21, 2023
“The Long and Winding Road” was an amazing conclusion to an awesome series! I truly enjoyed reading Max’s journey. I especially appreciated catching up with the the Abbott and Coleman families. I will sincerely miss these always entertaining characters. It’s tough to say goodbye to the Abbott’s. From the very first Green Mountain story, “All You Need Is Love” I was hooked. It’s sad that we were only briefly introduced to the Coleman’s. I would have enjoyed getting to know them better and reading about their happily ever afters. I will especially miss sweet Elmer and the many surprising adventures with Fred. I’ve enjoyed my frequent visits to Butler, Vermont- a comforting destination filled with love, supportive family, plenty of dogs and even a crazy, love addicted moose. I’ve sincerely enjoyed my many visits with this wonderful family!
January 22, 2023
Outstanding Ending

This was one of the first series. I fell in love with when I found Marie Force. From the first book to the final words, this series has brought so much joy to my life. I truly loved reading Max and Lexi’s story. I love that Caden got to connect with his mom and that over the series. Chloe has had some growth and healing in her life as well. In typical Marie Force fashion. I cried, I laughed and I celebrated every single milestone, and I absolutely love how at the end, Molly pulled a fast one over on Linc and Elmer. Although I am sad to see this series, come to an end I love the way that everything was tied up in a nice little package. I enjoyed that we got to read the beginning and the end of the book in Elmers words. It was great to get updates on all of our favorite members of the Abbott family.
Profile Image for SteffiTjaa.
267 reviews2 followers
February 7, 2023
Ich konnte einfach nicht warten, bis das Buch irgendwann auf Deutsch erscheint! Ich musste es einfach schon lesen 📖

So lange begleitet die Familie Abbott mich schon und ich bin sogar ein bisschen traurig, dass die Reihe mit Max‘s Geschichte endet. Ich habe mit dieser Familie viel gelacht und geweint und habe mich bei ihnen einfach so wohl gefühlt. ☺️

Ich kann nicht sagen, dass Max Geschichte meine liebste war, aber ich fand sie so rührend und schön geschrieben. Sein Leben als Single Dad und seine Reunion mit seiner Highschool Liebe waren wundervoll. Ich habe mich wieder so wohl gefühlt und werde definitiv irgendwann mal wieder zu den Abbotts, Colemans und Stilmanns nach Butler reisen.

Danke Marie, für diese tolle Familie! Ich freue mich schon sehr, weitere Bücher von dieser tollen Autorin zu lesen ☺️
Profile Image for SOMDReigel.
972 reviews
April 16, 2023
“Love is lovelier, the second time around”
What a wonderful story. I’m a huge fan of the Green Mountain/Butler, Vermont series and though it’s sad the series has ended, Marie wrote a very satisfying last book. Loved that the final sibling got his HEA. I liked reading that he has brought up a wonderful son, that they both survived single parenthood and thrived; with help from his huge family. I thought it was perfect that his second chance at love was from his first love, his high school girlfriend. Reading this series, especially this last book, the authors enjoyment of this family series shined through. I’ll miss the Abbotts but they are leaving me with a smile! This is a series that I continually return to and have read many times.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews

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