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Bucked by the Alien

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Alone on a wild alien planet in mating season…

I was assigned a mandatory emotional support animal when I volunteered for a five year solo mission to a remote alien planet.
I got a goat called Strumpet. (Probably should have questioned the name.)
She’s sweet until she comes in season, and then there is no stopping her.
No tie, no fence, no barrier will stop her from seeking a mate.

When Strumpet escapes into the wild, I go looking for her.
When I find her, she’s in trouble. (What else is new.)
She’s found a local mate.
That male belongs to a big, bad alien barbarian with big, hard… horns.
As soon as Gruff sees me, he forgets all about my goat.
It’s mating season, and I’m going to get bucked.

150 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 11, 2022

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About the author

Loki Renard

229 books993 followers
Amazon Top 100, USA Today bestselling, and #1 bestselling author in multiple Amazon categories, Loki Renard writes sizzling hot, occasionally dark and twisted stories of dominance, submission and discipline.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for Amanda.
804 reviews166 followers
December 11, 2022
I think...I've hit the point where I'm done trying to make Loki work for me and hoping for the occasional gem she pops out.

This one had potential, but fell flat. There are definitely enjoyable moments—using the 3 Billy Goats Gruff as a framing device was pretty amusing—but...it lacks something. It doesn't have the sparkle of some of her other works. There's a plot thread in here that has zero point and has no pay out. So why have it in here at all? Also: gender is not the same thing as sex. It's misused multiple times in this work when sex is what was meant. I would love to know how goats have gender and societally informed self-identities, though, NGL.

And while I have an entire essay ready to go in my head about the inherent misogyny in all of LR's work, I'm just too Tired™ these days to make it happen. Mini rant ahead:

I get that's Loki's whole schtick—her bullshit—but I think it's lost what charm it had for me. There's only so many times I can read the exact same story from her before before it gets dreadfully tedious, and I want to go running off to be possibly eaten by a troll.

So. If you love everything Loki writes and haven't tired of it yet, you have another one to enjoy. If it's gotten stale for you, this is a good one to skip.
Profile Image for Honest Mabel.
954 reviews40 followers
January 23, 2023

I like a story line with some common sense the rate of arousal isn’t Insta love it’s just weirdly horny for no real reason. It’s cheap imho. DNF
Profile Image for girlwithhearteyes.
1,036 reviews91 followers
January 20, 2023
3.25 stars. This had a pretty silly (and simple) storyline, but was high steam and quite readable. Features a slightly bratty FMC, slight domineering but mostly protective MMC, and the usual usual spanking/punishment kink found in most (all?) Loki Renard books. Also a Strumpet goat for comedic relief.
Profile Image for Ridwaana.
386 reviews
November 13, 2022
delightful in every way

I’ve been eagerly anticipating this book for months and I’m so pleased with how it turned out. Loki Renard is a brilliant writer and creator of worlds, so I keep a very close eye on her posts to see what marvel she’s cooking up next. I had been joyfully following to hear about real-life Strumpet’s antics and eventual kidding. In this case of art imitating life, I couldn’t be more thrilled.

So, this story is set on the alien planet of Capricorn. Jem arrives to this “uninhabited” world with her emotional support goat, Strumpet. She’s there to catalogue this alien world and report back in five years with her findings. Surviving is the first step. Keeping Strumpet out of harm’s way is the second. But the world isn’t as empty as it was thought to be, and her mission isn’t as it appears either. The world building is phenomenal, the writing is excellent as usual, and the adventures are abundant. There’s danger and humor and heat, maybe even love. Wonderfully done and highly recommended!
495 reviews
November 11, 2022

This was a good little story with likable characters and a nice storyline… fun adventure with lots of dubious shmexy times! Good recommend.
249 reviews
November 10, 2022
Alien fairy tale

Ms. Renard has a interesting brain. This is a reimagined tale of the billy goats gruff, alien style, and much more fun. Trolls and bucks and mating and bridges and did I say mating? Hot stuff but fun too.
Profile Image for Emily Lindsey.
Author 3 books14 followers
November 6, 2022
Jem and Strumpet wreak havoc together! Once I started reading this, I couldn't put it down! Jem's character is wildly amusing, lol, she's non-compliant on her best day, but totally off the chain all the time. Strumpet was the perfect mirror match for her as an emotional support animal. Gruff has quite a task ahead of him in attempting to tame the two of them. There are multiple claiming scenes because Jem is apparently a slow learner, but it's all consensual and descriptively written! I loved this novella, it was amusing, as well as a good love story!
Profile Image for Trixie.
4,140 reviews
November 6, 2022
enjoyable read

Jem is definitely a brat. I don’t think she listens at all or should I say she is singing to a different drumbeat and hears a different song.

Gruff has all the praises for being patient with her and for taming her wanderlust.

Profile Image for Andrea.
314 reviews17 followers
November 29, 2022
The male lead was meh. Even when showing care he’s a jerk. The main female, Jem, is a massive jerk. I couldn’t Stand her. She kept saying she was independent but alas she was simply contrary for no discernible reason. She kept consciously deciding to do incredibly stupid harmful things. I understand having dreams and striving for them but in a nondestructive way that she cleaved to. I totally understood why her colleagues hated her.
Profile Image for 78sunny.
2,118 reviews40 followers
March 22, 2023
Von Loki Renard habe ich bereits mehrere Bücher gelesen. Da waren absolute Nullnummern, mittelmäßige Geschichte und auch ein Highlight bisher dabei. Ich weiß also nie was mich als nächstes erwartet wenn ich zu einem Buch von ihr greife.
Dieses hier war wieder so ein mittelmäßiges Buch. Es geht um Jem, die ein Nachfahre unserer Menschheit ist. In ihrer Zeit ist die Erde aber so gut wie ausgebeutet und die Menschen leben in schwebenden Atmosphären über der Erde. Die Menschen suchen im All nach bewohnbaren Planeten bzw. nutzbaren Ressourcen. Jem hat ihre Ausbildung als Forscherin/Erkunderin gerade abgeschlossen und man schickt sie auf einen Planeten, der angeblich keine intelligenten Lebewesen beherbergen soll. Begleitet wird sie von ihrem Begleittier, dass eigentlich als Beschützer diesen soll. Aus bestimmten Gründen, die ich hier aus Spoilergründen nicht nennen möchte, hat sie allerdings eine Ziege dabei. Die macht mehr Ärger als alles andere und so trifft Jem bald auf Gruff, einen Alien mit Hörnern und der allein mit einer Herde von Ziegen lebt. Von Jems Erscheinen ist er erst nicht begeistert, da er Menschen als invasive Species kennt und diese nicht auf seinem Planeten will. Da sie weiblich ist drückt er mal ein Auge zu und schnell merkt er dass sie mehr als kompatibel sind. Jem wird von Gruffs Pheromonen so beeinflusst, dass sie gerade am Anfang eigentlich keinen eigenen Willen hat, was die Beziehung angeht. Später kämpft sie mit dem Konflikt ihren Job auf dem Planeten erledigen zu wollen und den Wunsch das Leben mit Gruff zu genießen.
Die erotischen Szenen sind, außer dass Gruff halt etwas anders aussieht, nicht wirklich ungewöhnlich. Typisch für Loki Renard gibt es viele Spanking Szenen. Mir persönlich ist das oft etwas zu viel und sie vermischt auch oft das erotische Spanking mit Spanking als Bestrafung/ Disziplinierung. Das ist ein Aspekt den ich gar nicht mag in Bücher. Ich kann zwar mit beidem gut leben, aber eben dann auch nur auf die eine Art und nicht mal so und dann wieder so. Ansonsten ist Gruff typisch dominant und überlegen. Ich mag solche Charaktere, vor allem wenn sie dann mit eine frechen Prota zusammenkommen, die ihren eigenen Kopf und ein loses Mundwerk haben. Das bekam ich hier, da Jem wirklich stur, eigensinnig und witzig war.
Nebencharaktere kommen vor, spielen aber keine sehr große Rolle. Da wirkt die Story teils etwas unausgewogen und man fragt sich warum sie überhaupt eingebaut wurden, aber damit kann ich leben.
Die Begleit-Ziege von Jem steuerte viel zum Humor der Geschichte bei, was ich sehr genoss.
Alles in allem war es eine unterhaltsame Story, aber nichts was ich jetzt weiter empfehlen oder erneut lesen würde.

Story 3,0/5
Emotionen 3,6/5
Charaktere 4,4/5
Unterhaltung 3,6/5
Schreibstil 3,6/5
Spannung 3,0/5
Erotik 4,4/5
Lesegefühl 3,6/5
Gesamt 3,4/5
Profile Image for Sonja.
938 reviews21 followers
June 13, 2023
I've read a whole bunch of books by this author and they're always hit or miss for me....usually miss...so I don't like to pay full price for them. But I had kindle credits that were about to expire so I figured I'd just go for it. Now, I don't regret using them on this, but I'm not gonna lie and say it was a great story. But it wasn't bad.

Jem is definitely a TSTL character and gawd did she get annoying with that stupidity. She is constantly going on about how she is an independent woman who was trained to be able to survive on an alien world all by herself. But she seemingly forgets that she only passed the training because they were short on people, NOT because she actually knew how to do anything. So she's dropped off on this planet that is supposed to be uninhabited with her support goat in order to explore the place and gather information. But surprise! She is not alone.

While I wouldn't want a lover like Gruff, he did save the story for me. Pretty much an apex of his kind, he has chosen a simple life in the middle of the forest raising goats and trading for what he needs. He has been watching Jem for days. She's lucky she's female because his people know all about the scum that humanity is and had she been male, she would have been killed on site. But for some reason, as he watched Jem barely survive while bumbling around, he finds himself wanting to claim her as his. And after saving her from a wild buck wanting to rut her, he does.

Once Jem goes back to Gruff's territory with him, I kind of felt as frustrated as he did with her. She's constantly trying to run away and actually thinks she'd be able to get off his planet. Mind you, most of his kind would see her dead if they ever encountered her so how she planned on that is beyond me. She grudgingly does as little manual labor as she can get away with because she thinks she's too good for it, though she denies that and says it's because she's so bad at it. Gruff repeatedly calls her a brat, and he's not wrong.

What was really stupid was that her excuse for all of her escapes was that she has dreamed of being an adventurer her whole life and she can't help but want to see what's out there. Okay, that's cool and all, but there's definitely a better way to go about that than running off by yourself on a planet where practically every species is willing, wanting and able to kill you.

All in all, not this author's best book, but also definitely not her worst.
Profile Image for Renee Rearden.
Author 2 books78 followers
January 17, 2023
Where to start...

The storyline blurb intrigued me enough to read the book.

Heroine: Snarky, tough, self-reliant.
Hero: Intelligent, domineering/dominant, established.
Strumpet: Awesome support goat! ;-)

To be honest, Strumpet was my favorite character in this story and the only reason I marked three stars.

I'm all for challenging the system in the face of tyranny, sexism, mysogyny, injustice. However, the heroine's attitude wasn't really supported by her continued stubbornness. Her actions bordered on self-destruction versus "adventurous" and detracted from any real connection or likeability. Gruff's character was more likeable from a mature understanding of his world and experience with the different cultures populating his planet. Being stable and wanting a peaceful existence appeals to me. Add that to a strong, committed, gorgeous (handsome, good looking, etc.) male and you've got the makings of a relatable and attractive character.

That opinion changed quickly when Gruff became overbearing and dominant in an abusive manner. Maybe that's what was needed to survive on his planet, but the behavior became a significant negative that detracted from the story overall. I do not like a character that decides specific sex acts are punishment, regardless of the care or outcome when two adults who are supposed to be partners don't even discuss the kind of relationship they will have let alone the limits they will set or test. That is tantamount to rape even if the other party "discovers" that's just what they needed.

Maybe others find that kind of relationship titillating. Personally, I prefer open communication. A partner willing to talk about issues in order to understand every how and why enhances the relationship. Don't get me wrong, every relationship has an obstacle. Every couple that stays together successfully has to work those issues out to reach that point.

I've reached saturation point with female characters that have never participated in specific sex acts (spanking, bondage, dominance, etc.) without partners talking first/some kind of exposure...and the character automatically LOVES everything that's done to them despite all logic and circumstances pointing to the exact opposite. Just not appealing. But again, that's probably just me.
Profile Image for Ciru.
1,537 reviews
November 9, 2022
2.5 Stars.

She’s motivated, driven, an independent female who won’t let anything stop her. She’s a goddamn inspiration, that’s what she is.

Reading this started off as a cute story, with the female protagonist facing challenges just because of her sex and speaking out, accompanied by her trusty female goat, that didn't know how to bleat on page (mehehehe just makes me think of a coughing old man) and then towards the end, it felt like she Jem, not Strumpet was the doe.

And Jem, as a whole up until chapter 6 I loved. She was smart and most importantly she was not waiting to be saved.

He lifts a brow. That’s it. Just one little shift in expression tells me that I am now well into the fucking around phase, and at any moment, I will find out what that means.
You don’t need access to more weaponry. You need to go clean the goat pens. Now.”

I get it, she is no longer on earth. However Gruff if anything fits the profile of an abuser. Lies to her about shit constantly, either by omission or just by lying. The "spanking" till she's crying and they had not discussed it. The unlubed anal sex as punishment, without fore-warning. Rape. Past chapter 6 it was mostly rape.

Chapter 7 & 8 were shit. Shout out to the "He beats you cause he loves you" narrative being heavily pushed.

“I have no intention of hurting you,” Gruff says to Billy. He doesn’t say that to me, I notice.

“What about me? Are you intending on hurting me?”

“I’m intending on hurting you as much as you need to be hurt, you absolute

And like a bad, true crime show, each time she tries to run, she ends up back with Gruff on punishment aka anal rape.

So, left a bad taste in my mouth. I think I'll skip giving authors who I know push domestic violence as kink in their stories a wider berth.
Profile Image for Andie Lovess.
127 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2023
I have a few ups and downs for this book...so my general rating is around a 2.8 ⭐s

Sum: Jem has been recruited and trained for a mission, which is being left alone on a "barren" alien planet with her animal companion for the next five years in order to explore, make it a home and report back to headquarters. Except this planet isn't empty...and the inhabitants aren't too fond of humans...at least not males...

So...this was an odd one.

SPOILERS AHEAD, you can skip to my rating at the bottom to avoid:

I feel like some of Loki's books are rare hits and HUGE misses. This one was definitely a MISS. The FMC was kind of an asshole. She knows she bothers other people and does nothing to try and be better, she is selfish, and oddly enough - if the author hadn't thrown in the once or twice the heroine was worried about being "r*ped", this character sounded like it was written by a man.... The being horny for nearly anything that roamed the planet except for the few males who were "showing aggression" does not sound realistic, even for a fantasy novel. I just think this was a pretty bad situation that could have and in the real world, would have, gone much worse than it did.

As well as finding some magical male that had control over his urges, yet was still very much wanting to breed with her, she constantly dodged his offers of help, ran away every chance she got and borderline made him want to give up on her. She constantly put herself in danger for the dumbest reasons, and yet we twisted it near the end to make it seem like it was just a kink of wanting to be punished by having her asshole completely hollowed. I just think this whole things was a random fever dream that the author chose to turn into a book, when it should have been kept in the dream journal instead.

General: 2.5 ⭐⭐
Plot: 1.5 💭
Spice: 1.5 🌶
Char Dev? -5 for Jem and .05 for Gruff
Fave Char? None
OW/OM? Eh....not really?
HEA? IMO no, but I'm sure the author meant it as Yes
Series/Lone? Stand Alone
Tropes: alien - human pairing, stranded, alien planet, close proximity, protective, breeding
Triggers: YES, there are mentions of/attempts of SA, dub-con/non-con, violence, blood and almost forced breeding. Marked 🚫 NOT SAFE
Profile Image for Zed Lambrecht.
22 reviews
January 23, 2023
Have you ever read a book that has things you don’t like, finished it and liked it? That’s how I feel about Bucked. I was exploring different genres and saw this bait title. I think it was in the erotica genre choices. Out of curiosity, I downloaded the Kindle sample and read it. I don’t remember the sample containing anything erotic; however, the story hooked me into buying the complete text.
The story revovles around a scout sent to an alien planet. She is under the impression that she is the first or one of the first scouts to visit there. After landing, everything unravels. I liked her early explorer character. The story’s beginning is captivating science fiction.
Things change once the erotic section begins. People’s taste in erotica varies greatly and I’m not qualified to judge erotica. Personally, I don’t like S&M.
There are some structural and grammatical errors, which I don’t care about or feel do anything detrimental to the story. Maybe I even like them because it shows this is the work of an indie author alone – no editor, human or computer (like grammarly or chatGPT).
I easily read the book in one sitting, it held my attention. The ending did not wrap anything up in a satisfactory way. So what, just a bad ending. Perhaps the author wanted to just finish the book and make way for a series.
In summary, I recommend giving this a read. I think it is good even though it does not fit my taste in erotica. I’m seriously considering reading more if this is a series. There is a story here with a good plot hiding in the background that makes you want to read more and find some answers.
Profile Image for Sofia.
666 reviews
December 17, 2022
First and foremost, if you are looking for a story, it is not here.

In my own opinion, the entirety of this book was Jem constantly thinking "I am an independent woman and shall not be owned by any man!" It's also her constantly leaving safety with half-hearted plans coupled with surreal WTF moments that I feel wouldn't be found in most books like this.

An example of this:
Profile Image for Jan.
1,756 reviews9 followers
November 23, 2022
Jem is a scout and researcher. She and her trusted goat Strumpet at left on a planet that has no life and are to make a report of her findings. But is the planet uninhabited? Nope. When she loses her goat and has to search for her, she comes a crossed a horned alien. But is isn’t much different from human except for the clove feet. Demon? Gruff knows humans are no good. They destroy everything. This human though seems different. She gives off a pheromone that is enticing. When an accidental meeting sets a change of events, is it safer to be his mate or to run? Jem seems to be a screw up but it isn’t intentional. But she isn’t stupid. She knows her own mind. She does have a tendency to just go with the flow. THAT is what upsets Gruff. He wants to protect and care for his mate but she keeps trying to get away. It takes a while for things to settle. I have to say at times I was thinking about the fairy tale the three billy goats gruff.
Profile Image for Angela.
5,767 reviews73 followers
March 27, 2024
3 Stars

Bucked By the Alien (Possessive Protective Aci-Fi Alien Romance Series) by Loki Renard.
I love a good sci-fi romance and this series has been waiting on my TBR for quite some time now, and as part of my reading challenge this year is to try to get through as many of my TBR as possible, coupled with the fact the fact that I had the entire series sitting, waiting- well it was a no brainer. #whodoesntloveagoodbingeread
This is Gruff and Jem’s story. A bit of a 'Billy Goat's Gruff' vibe happening here. With an emotional support goat and a 5-year assignment on an 'uninhabited' planet, Jem's life is about to get turned upside down. For a start, the planet isn't uninhabited- there's a big bad alien barbarian to contend with - and mating season has started.
Sci-fi romance with drama, angst, darker elements, possessive alpha male, challenges, twists, chemistry, steam, and more.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Loki Renard!
Profile Image for TEC.
106 reviews2 followers
January 15, 2023
It's a no

I was not a fan of the female character. Some reviews, say they finally understood her in the end. It's a no for me. Throughout the story she doesn't take responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault. How are you in school and you never get the right information. If you were, where you are supposed to be. You would get the same information as everyone else. Eating someone else's food is disrespectful. How she thought that was ok, I will never understand. Also she was living on a planet and wasn't trying to figure out what foods were safe to eat. Once she found out that the planet was inhabitet she didn't take the nessisary precautions with her home. What the instructor did was not cool. The male character, I just felt sorry for him. He has wanted a woman for so long. That he claims her.
Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,468 reviews13 followers
November 17, 2022

This is an amusing and rather fun take on the Three Billy Goats Gruff fairytale, only Gruff is an alien male, and Jem is a human female with a goat sidekick called Strumpet.
I’m being kind when I say Jem is a bit dumb at times, she definitely has a goat-like personality; but like many goats, I found her surprisingly likable despite her flaws.
Gruff is definitely overbearing, but the author very much captured the personality of the Big Billy Goat Gruff in him!

The book is sci-fi romance, heavy on the romance, light on the sci-fi. It’s enjoyably funny, but has a few NSFW scenes. As an adult take on a popular kid’s story, more than a SFR fans will be hit with a feeling of nostalgia.
Recommended for SFR fans, especially those who loved the Billy Goats Gruff as kids!
January 23, 2023
I have not read a book by Loki Renard in a while, and I usually enjoyed the alien books but this one was a disappointment.

I liked the alien, Gruff, but the human was the sticking point for me; she is just so stupid, immature and reckless. Even when the dangers are explained to her, she blithely ignores any reality that doesn't align with her own wants.

I liked how the sentient beings of other planets considered humans the pestilence and invasive species we would definitely be if we ever got off our own planet. Jem, the human, had all the bad characteristics of humans and did not seem to possess many good traits.

I will probably read other Loke Renard books if they are included in KU but otherwise I'll give them a pass as this book wasn't at all satisfying.
Profile Image for Sydney M Neblett.
2,609 reviews16 followers
June 13, 2023
Left to her own devices

This one is an absolutely adorable read! Just two lonely ladies who somehow keep finding themselves in trouble on a brand new unexplored planet. Well except for the heard of goats, and the alien satyrs who just don’t take no for an answer. Luckily for these two troublemakers they found the males just for them. Did I happen to mention that one of the ladies is a goat? No? Well she is, and her human counterpart finds, well he really found her, the dominant guy she needs who will curb her bratty ways. Don’t let the whimsical nature of the story fool you, this book is hot and steamy, and just the thing to make you blush. Like I said, it’s absolutely adorable, and I can’t wait to read more by the author.
Profile Image for V.P. Nightshade.
Author 14 books52 followers
November 13, 2022
Super cute!

What a super cute retelling of the Billy Goats Gruff! Complete with a troll, bridges, toxic troll farts, and munching of jackass billy goats.

I am not normally into bratty female leads and at times found Jem to be TSTL, but this book was so well-written, and at times laugh-out-loud funny! And then of course there was Gruff! What a great character! Jem also kind of redeemed herself in my eyes with her compassion for poor abused Billy.

This was a highly imaginative retelling of a timeless fairy tale! If you like fairy tale retellings with a smutty side, you will love this book! Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Brittany (Brit.tea.reads).
929 reviews145 followers
June 26, 2023
𝐻𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝓇𝟥𝟥𝒹 𝓂𝑒, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒽𝟢𝓁𝑒 𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒷𝓇𝟥𝟥𝒹.

These books in this series are quick, funny, and steamy reads. I am loving them, and I can't get enough of the hot alpha alien men and their sassy mates.

𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝑒, 𝒥𝑒𝓂. 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝓂𝓎 🍆, 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝑒𝒸𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒. 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝓂𝑒. 𝐼 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝓌𝑜𝓃. 𝒩𝑜𝓌 𝓌𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝒹, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓃𝑒𝓉, 𝑜𝓇 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝒾𝓉, 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉.

Jem volunteers to go on a five-year solo mission to an alien planet, but not without her emotional support pet goat named Strumpet. This goat has a mind of her own, and she has one thing on the brain: finding a mate.

Ever since she got to this planet, Jem has felt like she's being watched, and she isn't wrong. When Strumpet runs off, she goes to find her, and when she does, she stumbles on Gruff, a huge attractive alien. He knows, just like her goat, that soon she will be fertile and ready to breed, and he wants her as his mate.

𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒽𝓊𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓃, 𝒥𝑒𝓂. 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒.

Now that she is Gruff's mate, he has expectations of her, but she isn't the settle down and stay put kind of gal. She is a free spirit who loves to wander and explore. Will Gruff be able to accept her for who she truly is?
16 reviews
May 19, 2023
Could Have Been Better

The story could have been better, it had a unique premise and made you want to delve deeper into that. But they kind of just drop it after a bit, bring it up again only to drop it again. I found the female lead to be annoying after a while and not in the way the book wanted you to but because of her impulse control issues she made actively stupid decisions that could have gotten her killed or gang raped. Because she's a "strong independent, who don't need no man".
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1,754 reviews10 followers
November 15, 2022

I can’t believe it took me to darn near the end of the book to figure Jen out! Initially I didn’t really like her, I thought she was a loosey goosey and a bit of a wacko. Then when Gruff took her home I started feeling sorry for her. As the book continued I returned to my initial thought, Jem was wacko and Gruff was a saint! Not! What I figured out was this was not my kind of kink at all.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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