The Paradox of Emigration and Decreased Homicide Rates in El Salvador

An In-depth Analysis of Bukele's Approach to Gang Violence and their Impact on Migration Trends

Scientific Essay, 2024

4 Pages, Grade: 1,3

Abstract or Introduction

"The Paradox of Emigration and Decreased Homicide Rates in El Salvador" provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex relationship between President Nayib Bukele's policies in El Salvador, emigration trends, and homicide rates. It delves into the false, yet popular notion, that a decrease in homicide rates leads to lower immigration rates. In this context, the essay analyses Bukele's security measures, notably the Territorial Control Plan, aimed at combating gang violence and its influence on reducing homicide rates. The paper evaluates the effectiveness of these policies, considering both the immediate impact on public safety and the long-term consequences for human rights and social stability.

By examining the correlation between stringent law enforcement tactics and a decline in violence, the study sheds light on the paradox of improved security metrics amidst growing concerns over authoritarian practices and potential human rights abuses. It explores the broader socio-economic factors influencing emigration, arguing that while decreased violence might deter some from leaving, underlying issues such as poverty, unemployment, and political instability continue to drive migration.

The paper critically assesses the notion of the "Cobra Effect," where attempts to solve a problem might inadvertently exacerbate the situation or create new issues. Through this lens, it discusses the possible unintended consequences of Bukele's security-focused approach, including the risk of deepening the societal divides and overlooking the root causes of crime and emigration.


The Paradox of Emigration and Decreased Homicide Rates in El Salvador
An In-depth Analysis of Bukele's Approach to Gang Violence and their Impact on Migration Trends
University of Heidelberg  (Intitut für Politische Wissenschaft)
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
Bukele's Security Policies, El Salvador Migration Trends, Gang Violence Impact on Emigration, Territorial Control Plan El Salvador, Punitive Policies and Homicide Rates, El Salvador Gang Negotiations, Cobra Effect in Violence Reduction, Socioeconomic Factors and Emigration, Public Security and Migration Dynamics, Nayib Bukele, Emmigration, El Salvador, NTCA, Quantitative Analysis
Quote paper
Inés Gándara (Author), 2024, The Paradox of Emigration and Decreased Homicide Rates in El Salvador, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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