Jeremy Lustman’s Post

Day #3 of our legal mission yesterday started perfectly with an amazing meeting at our friends at Gornitzky & Co, but the rest of it soon became heartbreaking for me when I needed to break away early from the group and give them a glimpse of what being part of living here means during this challenging time… First, a military funeral in the afternoon at Har Herzl for the 22 year-old fallen son of old and dear friends, and an evening program in our neighborhood with more recent friends, Rachel and Jon Goldberg-Polin, the parents of Hersh (who was taken hostage on October 7th and remains in Hamas captivity). Both gatherings were packed with people who came out in support but were deeply sad…in one case lamenting an incredibly caring, accomplished, and humble soul who lost his life as a true hero, on the front lines literally saving others; and in the other yearning for the immediate return of a beloved, kind, and respectful 23 year-old son and brother to his dear family. At the same time, I learned about the special qualities of each of these precious souls, and came away motivated to incorporate some strength of each into my daily personal and professional one case, for the blessing of a decorated soldier’s eternal memory, and in the other, hopefully as a merit to help bring a 137-day hostage home that much quicker. Very appropriate that we ended each with everyone singing Hatkivah, praying and hoping for better days and everyone safely returned into the embrace of their families. DLA Piper Israel Country Group

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Chaim Friedland

Partner at Gornitzky & Co.


We at Gornitzky & Co were honored to host this important delegation at our offices. A huge thank you to our friends at DLA Piper Israel Country Group, including Jeremy Lustman, Naomi Maryles and Zisse Mueller for being such loyal partners and champions of the Israeli cause. And finally, "Behatzlacha" to the wonderful lawyers preparing to "Come Home"!!!

Sanford Kadish

Analyst/Developer/Technical Writer


כל הכבוד ויישר כוח 💪

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