What is an Intranet? And Why is it Important Right Now?

What is an Intranet? And Why is it Important Right Now?

With the constant flips between working at the office and working from home, businesses and especially our clients have seen these lockdowns as a great opportunity to update and improve their ERP systems, reporting, financial platforms and business intelligence.

Setting a goal or creating a plan to assess your current system, programs and platforms is critical. Making the most of the lockdown opportunities with potentially having more time without your commute is a great place to start. Its also been a great time to identify areas for improvement in your organisation in order to facilitate staff to work from anywhere.

The one system that is going to benefit ALL of your staff with the uncertainty of where they will be working on a day to day basis, is an intranet.

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What is an intranet?

Many of you will remember the 90’s style intranets that had very little functionality and they phased out somewhere in the 2000’s. Many of you may not know what it is and what purpose it has in your business.

An intranet acts as a central hub for all company communications and data sharing through a private online portal. It contains everything employees need to stay connected, communicate with all departments (Eg HR/Admin) and stay organised.

A modern intranet today is so effective as so many of the platforms we use for CRM’s, Finance, ERP and HR are all online and cloud based.

A single page intranet can put all these things in one place for your staff to navigate and be as productive as possible.

Its no longer just about sharing your company handbook, but creating a central HUB for everything in your organisation to be accessed easily and efficiently by your staff.

Why is it important to your business right now?

As already mentioned, our working situations and locations can change dramatically from one day to the next, no-one can foresee a COVID-19 outbreak.

We need to remember that our employees are individuals that are part of teams, those teams lie within departments. Communicating while they are working from home (or anywhere) is the only way to ensure they are successfully completing their daily tasks, projects, and quotas.

An intranet provides the following benefits and more with the added advantage of security and integrity of your company data:

1.    Improves internal communication and keeps remote teams connected

2.    Connects your business across locations and time zones

3.    Boosts employee productivity by embracing automation, digital forms and documents as well as reducing emails and meetings

4.    Helps employees find current and up-to-date information by having everything stored in a centralised location

5.    Simplifies employee onboarding

6.    Provides company clarity and can reinforce your brand and values

7.    Improves employee engagement by bringing workplace culture to life

Our main goal is to help our clients work more efficiently and produce even better results. You probably don’t even know it but you may be half way there to having your unique, customised company intranet. If you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber The Practical Enterprise Group can easily create a user friendly intranet, tailored to your individual needs.

A quick phone call to understand what you need is all it will take. After that you could be using your new intranet within a week from your call. That’s how easy it can be.

+61 3 8548 1830



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