
Johann J. Spalding

Kritische Ausgabe

1. Abteilung: Schriften. Band 5: Religion, eine Angelegenheit des Menschen
Hrsg. v. Tobias Jersak u. Georg F. Wagner

[Johann Joachim Spalding: Critical Edition. Edited by Albrecht Beutel. First Section: Writings. Volume 5: Religion, A Matter for Humans (1st – 4th Edition) edited by Tobias Jersak and Georg Friedrich Wagner.]

2001. XXVIII, 238 pages.
129,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-147691-4
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84,00 € including VAT
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Published in German.
Johann Joachim Spalding (1714–1804) was one of the main representatives of the theology of enlightenment in Germany. This work is an essential and influential contribution to the debate around 1800 concerning the concept, nature and function of religion. The critical edition is the first to include all individual editions of his works. It also contains an introduction, a list of direct quotes and an index.
Johann Joachim Spalding (1714–1804) was one of the main representatives of the theology of enlightenment in Germany. This work is an essential and influential contribution to the debate around 1800 concerning the concept, nature and function of religion. The critical edition is the first to include all individual editions of his works. It also contains an introduction, a list of direct quotes and an index.

Johann J. Spalding (1714–1804) Religionsphilosoph, Hauptvertreter der deutschen Aufklärungstheologie, Oberkonsistorialrat.

Tobias Jersak ist Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Münster.

Georg F Wagner No current data available.


The following reviews are known:

In: FAZ — 2002, Nr. 13, S. 46 (Friedrich W. Graf)
In: Editionen in der Kritik (EDK) — I (2005), S.259ff (Wolfgang Virmond)
In: Editio — 2002, H.16, S. 236ff (Sonderdruck) (Dr.Johann A. Steiger)
In: Baltische Studien — Bd. 88 (2002), S. 238f (Volker Gummelt)
In: Jahrbuch f.Int.Germanistik — 38 (2006), S. 201–204 (Ralf G. Bogner)
In: Zeitschr.f . Neuere Theologiegesch. — Vol.10 (2003), H.1, S. 134ff (Andreas Urs Sommer)
In: Kirchl. Amtsblatt d.Ev.Kirche Westf — 2002, H.6, S. 159f (Dirk Fleischer)
In: Pietismus und Neuzeit — Bd.31 (2005), S.267ff (Thomas K. Kuhn)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — Jg.130 (2005), H.4, Sp.431ff (Wolfgang Virmond)