zum totlachen

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an old black and white photo with the caption des wird schweierig
Des wird schwierig...
two people are standing in front of a snowman and another person is looking at them
Ich kann fast mit Sicherheit sagen..
a cartoon depicting a woman with a dog on a leash talking to a man in the park
SPAM Cartoons Heile Bilder
an image of a woman in costume with words above her head that says, in the odd tribe, ethiopian the most desired men are those with the largest
Im Stamm der Bodi in Äthiopien gilt der Mann als der..
a cartoon dog laying on top of a mat under an umbrella next to a table
Ernst ist mit seinem Stammtisch wieder nach Mallorca..
two dogs are sitting on top of boxes and one dog is pointing at the sky
Ich kaufe ein R!..
an image of a cartoon scientist looking at a box with lobsters in it and the caption says,
Endlich bewiesen: Glyphosat ist Krebserregend!..
a group of people talking to each other in front of a speech bubble that says,
Ihr Kind hat keine Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwäche..
the cartoon shows two men talking to each other in front of a car, with another man
Verkehrswoche mit Captain Benimm, Tag vier...
a cartoon showing people sitting at desks in front of a chalkboard
Kommen wir nun zur Wahl des Elternsprechers...
a black and white photo with words written in german on the bottom right corner, below which is an image of a teacher's name
Kniffliges Rätsel: Was für einen Stand hat Anna?
the cat is trying to get into the bed with the man who fell asleep in it
Fröhliche und lustige Bilder Teil 11 - Seite 334
two people sitting on a couch in front of a tv with the caption'holst duhrr noche en berein ne colidigte an artisaner, meins
Holst du mir noch ein Bierchen, mein Goldstück?..