8 Reasons Why Snacking on Dates Is a Smart Way to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Impressive health benefits that prove dates deserve a spot on your grocery list.

Dates Nutrition Facts: Are Dates Good for You, how to eat more dates
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If you're anything like me, dates are rather mysterious. Often nestled in between raisins and prunes in the grocery store (they even look like prunes), these small, wrinkly fruits pack a one-two punch of sweetness and nutrition. 

What are dates?

Dates are oval-shaped fruits consisting of a single seed (or stone) surrounded by sticky, edible flesh (similar to cherries, mangoes, and peaches), and coated with a crinkly skin that shimmers from natural sugars.

Where do dates come from?

Dates are grown on date palm trees, Arecaceae (think coconut trees), and, depending on the variety, fresh dates are fairly small in size and range from bright red to bright yellow.

The history of this sweet, nutritious treat goes way back. One of civilization's oldest cultivated crops, the date palm has been eaten for around 6000 years. They're estimated to have originated around the Persian Gulf and were cultivated from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt as early as 4000 BCE. According to an NPR article, fossils prove that date palm trees thrived 50 million years ago. Sources say that ancient cultures called the date palm "the tree of life" and used all parts of the tree, from the trunk to the leaves.

With more than 200 varieties grown around the world, Medjool and Deglet Noor dates are the most commonly consumed. Ranging in color from light red to amber, Deglet Noor dates have firm flesh and a sweet, delicate flavor. Medjool dates, by contrast, have a rich, almost caramel-like taste and a soft, chewy texture. Both types share a similar nutrient content, so their health benefits are similar as well. (As if being sweet and delicious wasn’t enough!) 

Dates Nutrition and Health Benefits

Health and wellness strategy manager at Fresh Thyme Markets, Meghan Sedivy, RD, LDN; breaks down the health benefits of dates, why they're an excellent healthy snack, and her favorite suggestions for including them in your diet.

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Dates are high in gut-healthy fiber.

Filling up on fiber is essential to gut health as well as overall health.  "Dates are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with fiber to help fill you up and keep you full longer, as well as promote healthy digestion and heart health," Sedivy says. Eating three dates will get you close to 5 grams of fiber. A 2015 study found that those who ate seven dates a day for 21 days had increases in bowel movement and stool frequency.

The fiber also helps counteract the natural sugar in the fruit, helping it be absorbed more slowly in the bloodstream, and therefore, dates are a low glycemic index fruit. Though dates have a higher sugar content than raw fruit—about 16 grams per date—Mascha Davis, MPH, RDN, of Nomadista Nutrition, says their high fiber content counteracts this and makes them a healthy snack option. “All dried fruit is going to have a more concentrated amount of sugar,” Davis says, adding, however, “I wouldn’t say dry fruit is unhealthy though.” (Dates are actually fresh fruits with low water content, so they just look like they've been dried.)

So if you’re looking for a sweet, after-meal treat or charcuterie board accompaniment, these deliver on undeniable sweetness and filling, satisfying fiber.

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Dates’ fiber content also supports healthy cholesterol.

Soluble fiber, found in dates, also helps to keep cholesterol in check. It binds to dietary cholesterol in the small intestine so it passes through the body rather than getting absorbed. In fact, one small study of 100 men and women with type 2 diabetes found a statistically significant decrease in both total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol among those who added dates to their diets.

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Dates contain potassium.

"Dates are an excellent source of potassium, which helps muscles contract, nerves to function, and hearts to beat regularly," Sedivy says. Potassium is also an electrolyte, a category of essential minerals that play an important role in hydration and water regulation in our cells.

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Dates are bursting with antioxidants.

"Dates also contain a variety of antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation in the body and prevent the risk of certain diseases," Sedivy says. A few of the most potent antioxidants in dates include flavonoids (shown to lessen the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and formation of certain types of cancer), carotenoids (proven to promote heart health), and phenolic acid (may help display anticancer activity).

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Dates have minerals for healthy bones, nerves, and energy.

Dates also provide key minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, that support strong bones and prevent conditions like osteoporosis.

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Dates promote brain power.

Studies show that regular consumption of dates is usually associated with lower risk of neurodegenerative disorders (such as Alzheimer's disease) and better cognitive performance. Research also determined that a diet rich in dates may improve memory and learning.

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Eating dates may ease natural labor.

Eating this dried fruit to ease the labor experience may sound like an old wives' tale, but according to studies, there could be some truth to this lore. A small prospective study was conducted "on 69 women who consumed six date fruits per day for four weeks prior to their estimated date of delivery, compared with 45 women who consumed none." At the end of the study, researchers found that the women who consistently ate dates had a shorter first stage of labor, significantly higher mean cervical dilatation, and reduced need for labor induction.

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The magnesium in dates may help manage period cramps.

Period bloating and cramps got you down? Put down the gummy worms and switch over to nature’s candy. One Medjool date offers about 13 mg of magnesium, which the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends stocking up on for reducing premenstrual symptoms.

How to Eat More Dates

Pop dates on their own for dessert.

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"An easy way to incorporate dates into your meal plan is to use them for dessert," Sedivy suggests.

Use them as a natural sweetener in desserts and baked goods.

EXTRA SHARP: Chocolate Oat Date Bars

"Dates can be used as a natural sweetener because they contain fructose, a natural type of sugar found in fruit," she says. "In addition to their sweet flavor you might also recognize a hint of caramel flavor, making them a perfect filling for cookies, cakes, and even brownies."

Eat them with nuts or nut butter as a fiber- and protein-packed snack.

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Sedivy loves to eat dates as a snack. "I pair two to three Medjool dates with a large scoop of natural peanut butter to help fill me up until my next meal and satisfy my sweet tooth at the same time."

“It’s easy to eat a bunch of them on their own, so I like to pair dates with other food rather than being the main component,” Davis says, who also loves filling dates with a nut butter for a quick, filling, satisfying snack.

Blend them into a smoothie.

Creamy Date Shakes Recipe
Greg DuPree

Add sweetness, butterscotch-y goodness, and thickness to a healthy smoothie by adding dates. Try a creamy date shake—throw a few Medjools into a blender along with unsweetened oat or almond milk, hemp seeds, ice, and cinnamon—and prepare to be converted. We swear you'll think you're sipping on your favorite milkshake from the diner around the corner.

Serve them as sweet-and-savory appetizers.

Polenta Bites with Bacon, Dates, and Blue Cheese
Heather Meldrom

Before your guests arrive, try stuffing pitted Medjool dates with tangy, creamy goat cheese and then wrapping each morsel in salty, smoky bacon. Bake for about 8 minutes and you have the best apps your friends have ever tasted (with some secret health benefits they never knew they needed). Here's how to make bite-sized, bacon-wrapped, goat-cheese-stuffed dates.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many dates should I eat in a day?

    According to Sedivy, a serving of dates is about one-quarter cup. However, "if you're worried about the sugar amount, I recommend eating two to three large dates to reap all the health benefits associated with them," she says.

    Since it’s easy to gobble up this tasty fruit like candy, Davis agrees, and similarly recommends aiming for two to four dates in one serving.

  • Are dates a superfood?

    The term "superfood" is not a technical one for which there are formal, clinical criteria—rather its given to certain foods and ingredients that are packed with multiple nutrients and provide impressive functional health benefits that support overall well-being. Dates are certainly considered a superfood by many, and more health and nutrition experts have begun adding this caramel-tasting, high-fiber, antioxidant- and mineral-packed fruit to their growing list of recommended superfoods.

  • What are the healthiest types of dates?

    There are hundreds of date fruit varieties cultivated worldwide today, but most are hard to find in American. Medjool dates and Deglet Noor dates are two of most common types grown and found in the U.S., and they're both on the soft and sweet side.

    “While most evidence and research around the benefits of dates looks at the plant species as a whole, some [consider] the Piarom (sometimes also spelled Piyarom) date to be the most nutrient-dense,” says Christina Manian, RDN, registered dietitian, food sustainability expert, and nutrition writer. “To my knowledge, most dates have very similar nutritional profiles—it's mostly the flavor and appearance that sets each apart." She adds that any variety you can find readily available at the store will be a "super-healthy addition" to a balanced, nutritious diet.

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  2. Rahmani AH, Aly SM, Ali H, et al. Therapeutic effects of date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera) in the prevention of diseases via modulation of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-tumour activityInt J Clin Exp Med. 2014;7(3):483-491.

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  4. Essa MM, Akbar M, Khan MA. Beneficial effects of date palm fruits on neurodegenerative diseasesNeural Regen Res. 2016;11(7):1071-1072. doi:10.4103/1673-5374.187032

  5. Subash S, Essa MM, Braidy N, et al. Diet rich in date palm fruits improves memory, learning and reduces beta amyloid in transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's diseaseJ Ayurveda Integr Med. 2015;6(2):111-120. doi:10.4103/0975-9476.159073

  6. Al-Kuran O, Al-Mehaisen L, Bawadi H, et al. The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on labour and deliveryJ Obstet Gynaecol. 2011;31(1):29-31. doi:10.3109/01443615.2010.522267

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