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Multiple forms of an enzyme which differ in physical

and chemical properties and catalyze the same
reaction as an enzyme.
Isoenzymes are produced by a single gene and some
may result from more than one gene.
Isoenzymes can be separated by:
1-Heat inactivation
2-Chemical inhibition
3-Electrophoretic techniques (specific)
Catalyze the same reaction.

Differ in AA sequence and physical


Separable on the basis of charge.

Are tissue specific.

Different Isoenzymes may arise from different tissues and

their specific detection may give clues to the site of
Is a technique by which •
separation of Movement of
charged particles through
an electrolyte when
subjected to electrical field.
Advantages of Isoenzyme measurement

1. Isoenzyme variants are derived from

different tissue sources.
2. So separation renders increased specificity
to enzyme analysis.
3. Tissue or organ effected can be detected (
where isoenzyme elevation occurs)
1. CPK (creatinine Phospho Kinase)
2. Troponin
3. LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase)
4. ALP (Alkaline phosphatase)
5. Aldolase
6. Amylase
CPK-Creatinine Phospho kinase
• CPK Isoenzymes are performed when the total CPK
level is elevated.
• Isoenzyme testing can help differentiate the source
of the damaged tissue.
• CPK is an enzyme found predominantly in the heart,
brain, and skeletal muscle.
• CPK is composed of 3 Isoenzymes that differ slightly
in structure:
• CPK is a dimer made up of 2 subunits called B for
brain and M for muscle.
 Creatine kinase is a dimer made of 2 monomers

occurs in the tissues

 Skeletal muscle contains M subunit, Brain contains

B subunits

 Three different isoenzymes are formed

CPK- Isoenzymes
• CPK-1 (also called CPK-BB) is concentrated in the
brain and lungs
• CPK-2 (also called CPK-MB) is found mostly in the
• CPK-3 (also called CPK-MM) is found mostly in
skeletal muscle
• Because the CPK-1 isoenzyme is predominately
found in the brain and lungs, injury to either of these
organs (for example, stroke or lung injury due to a
pulmonary embolism) are associated with elevated
levels of this isoenzyme.
Composition Present in Elevated in

CK-1 BB Brain CNS diseases

Myocardium Acute myocardial

Heart infarction

CK-3 MM muscle,
• Creatinine Phospho kinase or Creatinine Kinase
catalyses the conversion of creatinine to creatinine
• Creatinine +ATP Creatinine kinase creatinine
phosphate +ADP Creatinine Phospho kinase
• Normal level: 15-100U/L (males)
: 10-80 U/L (females)

• Sample: in serum it is estimated and not increased in

• Is a condition in which
arteries are blocked to a
greater or lesser extent
by deposition of
cholesterol plaques ,
leading most commonly
to coronary heart
disease by blocking of
coronary arteries i.e
• ( myocardial infarction
Pyruvate Lactate (anaerobic glycolysis)
 LDH is elevated in myocardial infarction, blood
 It is a tetrameric protein and made of two types
of subunits namely H = Heart, M = skeletal
 It exists as 5 different isoenzymes with various
combinations of H and M subunits
• The LDH has five Isoenzymes which are:
• LDH-1 (H4) is found mainly in the heart.
• LDH-2 ( H3M1) Reticuloendothelial system.
• LDH-3 (H2M2) is found in the lungs.
• LDH-4 ( H1M3) in the kidney, placenta, and pancreas,
• LDH-5 ( M4) in liver and striated (skeletal) muscle.
• Normally, levels of LDH-2 are higher than those of
the other Isoenzymes
Isoenzyme Composition Composition Present in Elevated in

LDH1 ( H4) HHHH Myocardium, myocardial

RBC infarction

LDH2 (H3M1) HHHM Myocardium,


LDH3 (H2M2) HHMM Kidney,

LDH4 (H1M3) HMMM Kidney,
LDH5 (M4) MMMM Skeletal Skeletal muscle
muscle, Liver and liver
• LDH is found in the cells of almost all body
• Because this enzyme is actually composed of
five different Isoenzymes, however, analysis of
the different LDH isoenzyme levels in the
blood can help in the diagnosis of some
• LDH is an oxidoreductase enzyme whose
activity is necessary for the reversible reaction
in which Pyruvate and lactate are inter
converted. It is important in glycolysis.
• LDH Isoenzyme is a tetramer with 4 subunits.
The subunit may be either H (heart) or M
(muscle) .
LDH and Heart Attack
• One of the most important diagnostic uses for the
LDH Isoenzymes test is in the differential diagnosis of
myocardial infarction or heart attack.
• The total LDH level rises within 24-48 hours after a
heart attack, peaks in two to three days, and returns
to normal in approximately five to ten days.
• The LDH-1 isoenzyme level, however, is more
sensitive and specific than the total LDH.
LDH and Heart Attack
• Normally, the level of LDH-2 is higher than the level
of LDH-1.
• An LDH-1 level higher than that of LDH-2, a
phenomenon known as "flipped LDH," is strongly
indicative of a myocardial infarction.
• The flipped LDH usually appears within 12-24 hours
after a heart attack.
• A normal LDH-1/LDH-2 ratio is considered reliable
evidence that a heart attack has not occurred.
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
• Isoenzymes are five:
1. ALP-1 present in liver increased in
obstructive jaundice, biliary cirrhosis.
2. ALP-2 in bone increased in rickets and
3. ALP-3 in placenta increase in 2nd and 3rd
trimester of pregnancy and decrease
indicates placental insufficiency and foetal
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
4. ALP-4 in intestine increased in intestinal disease and
after gastrectomy surgery
5. ALP-5 in kidney increases in kidney disorders.
• In normal serum liver and bone fractions are
• Abnormal ALP Isoenzymes Regan and nagao are
present in carcinomas and metastasis.
• Normal level: 40-125 U/L
• Two Isoenzymes:
1. Salivary in normal serum 60% increased in
Parotitis/ mumps
2. Pancreatic 40% increased in pancreatitis
• The peak levels are seen between 5-12hours
after onset of disease and returns to normal
level with in 2-4 days.
• Normal level: 50-120 IU/L
• Three Isoenzymes:
1. Aldolase-A present in muscle increased in
muscular dystrophies.
2. Aldolase-B in liver increased in hepatitis.
3. Aldolase-C in brain
• Normal level: 1.5-7 U/L
Acid phosphatase
• Present in Prostate, RBC and platelets.
• Increased in Prostate cancer, Gaucher’s
disease and thromboembolic disorders
• Normal level: 2.5-12 U/L
Enzymes in Liver diseases
The following enzymes when elevated are useful in the diagnosis of liver
diseases and disfunction due to viral hepatitis, toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis
and hepatic necrosis
1.Alanin transaminas(ALT).
2. Aspartate transaminase (AST).
3.Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).

The enzymes that markedly increase in intrahepatic and extra hepatic

cholestasis are
4-Alkaline Phsphatase.
5- Nucleotidase.
Coenzymes: the protein part of the enzyme on its own
is not always adequate to bring about the catalytic
activity and many enzymes require certain non protein
small additional factor regarded as cofactor these
cofactors are called (Coenzymes)

Coenzymes are non protein organic low molecular wt

associated with enzyme function.It differs from enzyme
by physical, chemical and immunological properties.
Coenzymes for B complex vitamins:
Most of the coenzymes are the derivatives of water
soluble vit B, the biochemical function of B-complex are
exerted through their respective coenzymes.
Non Vit Coenzymes:
Organic substances which has no relation with vit but
function as coenzymes Ex: ATP,CDP(cytidine
monophosphate) UDP(uridine diphosphate)
Enzymes as therapeutic agents;
Enzymes are used as drug for treatment of medical
Streptokinase; is a useful for clearing the blood clot .
Streptokinase activates plasma plasminogen to
plasmin which in turn attacks fibrin to convert into
soluble products

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