Sentences with German verb abdüsen

Examples for using the conjugation of the verb abdüsen. These are real sentences and sentences from the project Tatoeba. For each conjugated form, such a sentence example is displayed. The verb form is highlighted. If there are more than one sentence, an example with the German verb abdüsen is selected. In order to understand the conjugation not only by the examples, but also to train, worksheets for the verb abdüsen are available.


Examples sentences for realis mood Active for abdüsen


Usage for conjunctive mood Active for abdüsen

Conditional (würde)

Conditional (würde)


Sentences for imperative Active for abdüsen


Translation of German abdüsen

German abdüsen
English roar off, zoom off, shoot off
Russian уноситься, умчаться
Spanish salir pitando, marcharse
French déguerpir, filer, décamper, s'en aller rapidement
Turkish fırlamak, uçmak, kaçmak
Portuguese sair rapidamente, ir embora rapidamente, decolar
Italian sgasare, schizzare via, partire in fretta
Romanian pleca repede, decola, se grăbi
Hungarian elrepül, elhúz, elszáguld, leporol
Polish odpalić, wystartować, odjechać, odlecieć
Greek φεύγω γρήγορα, απογειώνομαι, ξεκινώ με ταχύτητα
Dutch wegschieten, wegspuiten, opstijgen, ervandoor gaan
Czech ujíždět, odfrčet, odletět, vypadnout
Swedish sticka
Ukrainian від'їжджати, відправлятися, злітати
Arabicغادر بسرعة، انطلق بسرعة
Persianگریختن، ترک کردن سریع، فرار کردن
Urduاڑ جانا، تیزی سے نکل جانا

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abdüsen in Beolingus


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Meanings and synonyms of abdüsen

  • sich schnell von einem Ort entfernen, meist mithilfe eines Fortbewegungsmittels; abbrausen; abdampfen; abfahren; abfliegen; abrauschen
  • abfliegen; davonfahren; (von etwas) fortfahren; abreisen; abfahren; aufbrechen

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Meanings  Synonyms 

Conjugation rules

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* Synonyms come partly from OpenThesaurus ( and may have been changed afterwards. They are freely available under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 ( license: abdüsen

* Definitions come partly from Wiktionary (> and may have been changed afterwards. They are freely available under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( license: 279208

* Sentences from the Wiktionary ( are freely available under the license CC BY-SA 3.0 ( Some of them were changed. The authors of the sentences can be looked up via: 279208