Sentences with German verb durchbeißen

Examples for using the conjugation of the verb durchbeißen. These are real sentences and sentences from the project Tatoeba. For each conjugated form, such a sentence example is displayed. The verb form is highlighted. If there are more than one sentence, an example with the German verb durchbeißen is selected. In order to understand the conjugation not only by the examples, but also to train, worksheets for the verb durchbeißen are available.

not separable


Examples sentences for realis mood Active for durchbeißen


Usage for conjunctive mood Active for durchbeißen

Conditional (würde)

Conditional (würde)


Sentences for imperative Active for durchbeißen


Translation of German durchbeißen

German durchbeißen
English bite (through), struggle (through), fight it out, bite through, struggle through
Russian прокусывать, разгрызать, прогрызать, разгрызть, прокусить, прогрызть, прохватывать, прохватить
Spanish abrirse paso, superar
French se débrouiller
Turkish diş geçirmek
Portuguese trincar, ultrapassar as dificuldades, batalhar
Italian farcela
Polish przegryzać, przegryźć
Greek καταφέρνω
Dutch kapot bijten, doorbijten
Ukrainian прогризати, пробиватись

durchbeißen in
durchbeißen in Beolingus


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Meanings and synonyms of durchbeißen

  • mit den Zähnen zerkleinern, durchtrennen, durchdringen; zerbeißen
  • sich mit Mühe, aber hartnäckig durch Schwierigkeiten kämpfen; sich durchbringen; (sich) selbst helfen; sich durchfretten; (sich) durchschlagen; sich durchschlagen

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Meanings  Synonyms 

Conjugation rules

Detailed rules for conjugation


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* Synonyms come partly from OpenThesaurus ( and may have been changed afterwards. They are freely available under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 ( license: durchbeißen

* Definitions come partly from Wiktionary (> and may have been changed afterwards. They are freely available under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( license: 709596, 709596

* Sentences from the Wiktionary ( are freely available under the license CC BY-SA 3.0 ( Some of them were changed. The authors of the sentences can be looked up via: 709596, 709596

* Sentences by Tatoeba ( are freely available under the CC BY 2.0 FR ( Some of them were changed. The authors of the sentences can be looked up via: 2937488, 2134077