Imperative of German verb blockieren

The conjugation of blockieren (obstruct, interlock) in the imperative is: blockiere (du), blockieren wir, blockiert (ihr), blockieren Sie. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense blockier. The endings -e, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem. The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person singular.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in imperative. Comments


Translation of German blockieren

German blockieren
English obstruct, interlock, block, barricade, dam, hang up, inhibit, shut off
Russian блокировать, поставить блок, ставить блок, забанить, банить, перекрывать
Spanish calarse, embotellar, bloquear, embargar, obstruir, calzar, cerrar, apear
French se bloquer, gripper, embouteiller, immobiliser, encombrer, obstruer, bloquer, boucher
Turkish abluka etmek, durdurmak, tıkamak
Portuguese bloquear
Italian bloccarsi, transennare, bloccare, andare in tilt
Romanian bloca, obstrucționa, baricada
Hungarian körülzár, blokkol, lezár
Polish zablokować, blokować, zablokować się
Greek μπλοκάρω
Dutch blokkeren
Czech blokovat
Swedish blockera, blockera sig, låsa sig
Danish blokere
Japanese 遮断する, 封鎖する
Finnish saartaa, sulkea
Norwegian blokkere
Basque blokeatu, oztopatu
Ukrainian блокувати, заблокувати
Arabicعرقل، سد
Persianبستن، مسدود کردن، بلوکه کردن
Urduمسدود کرنا، رکاوٹ ڈالنا، بلاک کرنا

blockieren in
blockieren in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Imperative of blockieren

The verb blockieren fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperative Present

Imperative PresentImperative

  • - (1st PersonSingular)
  • blockiere (du) (2nd PersonSingular)
  • - (3rd PersonSingular)
  • blockieren wir (1st PersonPlural)
  • blockiert (ihr) (2nd PersonPlural)
  • blockieren sie (3rd PersonPlural)


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