Imperative of German verb pointieren

The conjugation of pointieren (emphasize, gamble) in the imperative is: pointiere (du), pointieren wir, pointiert (ihr), pointieren Sie. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense pointier. The endings -e, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem. The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person singular.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in imperative. Comments


Translation of German pointieren

German pointieren
English emphasize, gamble
Russian расставлять акценты, заострять внимание, подчёркивать
Spanish acentuar, destacar, resaltar, realzar
French faire ressortir
Turkish vurgulamak
Portuguese acentuar
Italian mettere in evidenza, mettere in rilievo, puntare
Romanian evidenția, puncta, accentua
Hungarian kiemel, kihegyez, hangsúlyoz, kiélez
Polish położyć nacisk, kłaść nacisk
Greek επισημαίνω, τονίζω
Dutch accentueren, beklemtonen
Czech vytížit, zdůraznit, zaměřit, vypíchnout
Swedish poängtera
Danish pointere
Norwegian poengtere
Ukrainian акцентувати, підкреслювати, виділяти
Arabicنقط، حدد بدقة، ركز على
Persianمشخص کردن، برجسته کردن، تیز کردن
Urduنقطہ چینی کرنا، تیز کرنا، واضح کرنا

pointieren in
pointieren in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Imperative of pointieren

The verb pointieren fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperative Present

Imperative PresentImperative

  • - (1st PersonSingular)
  • pointiere (du) (2nd PersonSingular)
  • - (3rd PersonSingular)
  • pointieren wir (1st PersonPlural)
  • pointiert (ihr) (2nd PersonPlural)
  • pointieren sie (3rd PersonPlural)


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