Imperative of German verb vorhalten

The conjugation of vorhalten (remonstrate (with) (about), charge with) in the imperative is: halte (du) vor, halten wir vor, haltet (ihr) vor, halten Sie vor. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense halt. The endings -e, -en, -et, -en are appended to the stem. The ending of the 2nd Person Singular is extended by an e, as the stem ends in t. The prefix vor- of vorhalten is separated.The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person singular.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in imperative. Comments


Translation of German vorhalten

German vorhalten
English remonstrate (with) (about), charge with, hold out, provide, object, reproach with, hold before oneself, hold available
Russian поставить в упрёк, ставить в упрёк, упрекнуть, упрекать, продолжаться
Spanish colocar delante, reprochar, alcanzar, facilitar temporalmente, poner delante, durar
French reprocher, tenir à disposition, présenter à, reprocher à, suffire
Turkish karşısına çıkarmak, sürekli hatırlatmak, eleştirmek
Portuguese repreender por
Italian rinfacciare, contestare, rinfacciare a, mettere davanti, puntare, durare
Romanian reproșa, menține, susține
Hungarian felró, szemére vet
Polish wypominać, wypomnieć, wytykać, wytknąć
Greek κρατώ μπροστά, κρατώ
Dutch voldoende zijn, voorhouden, toereiken, verwijten
Czech vyčítat, držet před, předhazovat
Swedish hålla för, förebrå, räcka, vara
Danish have til rådighed, foreholde, bebrejde, holde
Norwegian bebreide
Ukrainian дорікати, підтримувати, виставляти, утримувати
Persianسرزنش کردن، حفظ کردن، ملامت کردن، نگه داشتن
Urduالزام دینا، مواخذہ کرنا، ملامت کرنا

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Verb forms in Imperative of vorhalten

The verb vorhalten fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperative Present

Imperative PresentImperative

  • - (1st PersonSingular)
  • halte (du) vor (2nd PersonSingular)
  • - (3rd PersonSingular)
  • halten wir vor (1st PersonPlural)
  • haltet (ihr) vor (2nd PersonPlural)
  • halten sie vor (3rd PersonPlural)


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