Present of German verb nachbilden

The conjugation of nachbilden (reproduce, regenerate) in the present tense is: ich bilde nach, du bildest nach, er bildet nach, wir bilden nach, ihr bildet nach, sie bilden nach. For this purpose, the endings -e, -est, -et, -en, -et, -en are appended to the stem bild. The endings in the 2nd and 3rd person singular and in the 2nd person plural are extended by "e", as the stem ends on -d. The prefix nach- of nachbilden is separated.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Comments


Translation of German nachbilden

German nachbilden
English reproduce, regenerate, replicate, simulate, emulate, copy, recreate, clone
Russian воспроизводить, смоделировать, воспроизвести, моделировать, сэмулировать, эмулировать, воссоздавать
Spanish reproducir, recrear, copiar, imitar
French reproduire, reconstituer, copier
Turkish benzerini yapmak
Portuguese reproduzir, copiar
Italian riprodurre, replicare, copiare
Romanian reproduce, replica, imita
Hungarian lemásol, utánkészít, utánoz, megformáz, reprodukál
Polish skopiować, imitować, kopiować
Greek απομιμούμαι, αναπαράγω
Dutch reproduceren, kopiëren, namaken
Czech napodobit, napodobovat, imitovat
Swedish avbilda, efterbilda, reproducera, kopiera
Danish efterligne, kopiere
Finnish mukailla
Ukrainian копіювати, імітувати, відтворювати
Arabicاستنساخ، محاكاة، تقليد، تكرار
Persianتقلید کردن، بازسازی کردن، شبیه‌سازی کردن
Urduمشابہت پیدا کرنا، تقلید کرنا، نقل کرنا

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nachbilden in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present of nachbilden

The verb nachbilden fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Present Indicative

Present IndicativePresence

  • ich bilde nach (1st PersonSingular)
  • du bildest nach (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er bildet nach (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir bilden nach (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr bildet nach (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie bilden nach (3rd PersonPlural)


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