Imperfect of German verb bevormunden

The conjugation of bevormunden (domineer over, infantilise) in the past tense is ich bevormundete, du bevormundetest, er bevormundete, wir bevormundeten, ihr bevormundetet, sie bevormundeten. As a regular verb the unmodified stem vormund- is used. The preterite endings -ete, -etest, -ete, -eten, -etet, -eten are appended to this stem.The endings are extended by "e", as the stem ends on -d.The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the past tense. Comments


Translation of German bevormunden

German bevormunden
English domineer over, infantilise, infantilize, patronize, patronise, act as guardian (for), keep in leading strings, impose will on
Russian опекать, назойливо опекать
Spanish poner bajo tutela, tener bajo tutela, tutelar
French tenir en laisse, tenir en tutelle, paternaliser, régenter, berner
Turkish vasilik etmek
Portuguese tutelar, tratar como criança, ter sob tutela, manter sob tutela
Italian mettere sotto tutela, comandare, controllare, dominare
Romanian păstra sub tutelă, controla, domina, tutela
Hungarian gyámság alá helyez, gyámkodik
Polish prowadzić na pasku, narzucać swoją wolę, kontrolować, narzucić swoją wolę
Greek κηδεμονεύω, πατρονάρω
Dutch bevoogden, betuttelen
Czech být poručníkem, stále opravovat, poručníkovat, poroučetručit, poroučet
Swedish agera förmyndare, mästra, spela förmyndare över
Danish optræde formynderisk, være formynder
Slovenian odločati namesto koga
Slowakisch byť pod poručníctvom, poručníkovať
Croatian skrbnički se odnositi, vodati
Ukrainian піклуватися, патронувати, контролювати, опікуватися
Arabicأملى تصرفه
Persianقیمومیت کردن، والدگری کردن، سلطه گری کردن
Urduمحافظت کرنا، سرپرستی کرنا

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Verb forms in Imperfect of bevormunden

The verb bevormunden fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperfect Indicative

Imperfect IndicativePast

  • ich bevormundete (1st PersonSingular)
  • du bevormundetest (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er bevormundete (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir bevormundeten (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr bevormundetet (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie bevormundeten (3rd PersonPlural)


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