Imperfect of German verb hoffen

The conjugation of hoffen (hope (for), hope) in the past tense is ich hoffte, du hofftest, er hoffte, wir hofften, ihr hofftet, sie hofften. As a regular verb the unmodified stem hoff- is used. The preterite endings -te, -test, -te, -ten, -tet, -ten are appended to this stem.The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the past tense. Comments


Examples of Active Imperfect of the verb hoffen

  • Wir hofften auf ein Wunder. 
  • Ich hoffte sie wiederzusehen. 


Translation of German hoffen

German hoffen
English hope (for), hope, ween
Russian понадеяться, надеяться, уповать, надеяться на, чаять
Spanish esperar, tener esperanza en, confiar en, confiar
French espérer, escompter, espérer en
Turkish umut etmek, ümit etmek, ummak, umuyorum
Portuguese esperar, ter esperança
Italian sperare, sperare in, augurarsi
Romanian spera, nadajdui, visa, dori
Hungarian remény, remél, reménykedik
Polish mieć nadzieję, liczyć na
Greek ελπίζω
Dutch hopen, hoopten
Czech doufat, mít naději
Swedish hoppas
Danish håbe, vente
Japanese 望む, 祈る
Catalan esperar
Finnish toivoa
Norwegian håpe
Ukrainian сподіватися, вірити
Arabicأمل - رجا، يأمل، أمل
Persianآرزوکردن، امیدداشتن، آرزو داشتن، امیدواربودن
Urduامید کرنا، آس رکھنا

hoffen in
hoffen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Imperfect of hoffen

The verb hoffen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperfect Indicative

Imperfect IndicativePast

  • ich hoffte (1st PersonSingular)
  • du hofftest (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er hoffte (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir hofften (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr hofftet (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie hofften (3rd PersonPlural)


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