Imperfect of German verb hoppeln

The conjugation of hoppeln (hop, scamper) in the past tense is ich hoppelte, du hoppeltest, er hoppelte, wir hoppelten, ihr hoppeltet, sie hoppelten. As a regular verb the unmodified stem hoppel- is used. The preterite endings -te, -test, -te, -ten, -tet, -ten are appended to this stem.The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the past tense. Comments


Translation of German hoppeln

German hoppeln
English hop, scamper, scuttle, hobble, lollop
Russian подпрыгивать, подпрыгнуть, скакнуть, прыгнуть, скакать, прыгать
Spanish brincar, corretear
French sautiller, bondir, sauter, faire des bonds
Turkish hoplayarak gitmek
Portuguese ir aos saltinhos, saltitar, vir aos saltinhos
Italian saltellare
Romanian hopăi, sălta
Hungarian szökdécsel
Polish pokicać, kicać, kicnąć
Greek πηδώ
Dutch hobbelen, schokken, huppen
Czech zahopkovat, hopkovat
Danish springe, hoppe
Ukrainian стрибати, підстрибувати, скакати
Arabicيهرول، يقفز بشكل متقطع
Urduاچھلنا، کودنا

hoppeln in
hoppeln in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Imperfect of hoppeln

The verb hoppeln fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperfect Indicative

Imperfect IndicativePast

  • ich hoppelte (1st PersonSingular)
  • du hoppeltest (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er hoppelte (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir hoppelten (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr hoppeltet (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie hoppelten (3rd PersonPlural)


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