Present Subjunctive of German verb abturnen

The conjugation of abturnen (turn off) in subjunctive I is: ich turne ab, du turnest ab, er turne ab, wir turnen ab, ihr turnet ab, sie turnen ab. The endings -e, -est, -e, -en, -et, -en are appended to the base or verb stem turn. The prefix ab- of abturnen is separated. The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the subjunctive I tense.


Translation of German abturnen

German abturnen
English turn off
Russian отталкивать, отвращать
Spanish desanimar, apagar, desalentar
French dégoûter, désintéresser, décourager
Turkish soğutmak, tiksindirmek, itici bulmak
Portuguese repugnar
Italian spegnere, dissuadere, distogliere, disattivare
Romanian dezactiva, repulsa, descuraja
Hungarian kiábrándít, elkedvetlenít, lehangol, lelohaszt
Polish odstraszać, odturać, zniechęcać
Greek ξενερώνω, απογοητεύω
Dutch afknappen, afstoten
Czech znechutit, odradit, odpudit
Ukrainian відвертати, відштовхувати, зневажати
Arabicيُحبِط، يُنفِّر، يُثبِط
Persianدلسرد کردن، بیزار کردن، ناامید کردن
Urduبے زار کرنا، ناپسندیدگی کا احساس دلانا

abturnen in
abturnen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present Subjunctive of abturnen

The verb abturnen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Subjunctive Present

Subjunctive PresentForm of possibility

  • ich turne ab (1st PersonSingular)
  • du turnest ab (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er turne ab (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir turnen ab (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr turnet ab (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie turnen ab (3rd PersonPlural)


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