Present Subjunctive of German verb bestechen

The conjugation of bestechen (oil so.'s palm, bribe) in subjunctive I is: ich besteche, du bestechest, er besteche, wir bestechen, ihr bestechet, sie bestechen. The endings -e, -est, -e, -en, -et, -en are appended to the base or verb stem stech. The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the subjunctive I tense.


Translation of German bestechen

German bestechen
English oil so.'s palm, bribe, corrupt, win over, captivate, impress ( ) (with), boodle, buy off
Russian подкупать, давать взятку, давать откат, дать взятку, откатывать, дать откат, подкупить, откатить
Spanish aceitar, adornar, coimear, sobornar, corromper, billetear, impresionar, seducir
French acheter, arroser, soudoyer, suborner, corrompre, séduire, éblouir, éblouir par
Turkish para yedirmek
Portuguese aceitar, subornar, propinar, corromper, cativar
Italian subornare, corrompere, prezzolare, affascinare
Romanian mitui, corupe
Hungarian lefizet, megveszteget
Polish przekupić, zafascynować, fascynować, ujmować, urzekać, urzec, ująć, dać łapówkę
Greek εντυπωσιάζω, δωροδοκώ
Dutch omkopen, bekoren, voor zich innemen
Czech podplácetplatit, okouzlovatlit, okouzlovat, podplácet
Swedish muta, besticka, sticka ut, fascinera, tjusa
Danish bestikke
Japanese 買収する
Catalan untar, subornar, corrompre, seduir
Finnish lahjoa
Norwegian bestikke
Croatian mititi, podmititi, potkupiti, potplatiti, korumpirati
Ukrainian хабарничати, підкуповувати, завойовувати, вражати
Arabicأبهر، رشا
Persianرشوه دادن، متقاعد کردن، افسون کردن
Urduرشوت دینا، متاثر کرنا، لبھانا

bestechen in
bestechen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present Subjunctive of bestechen

The verb bestechen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Subjunctive Present

Subjunctive PresentForm of possibility

  • ich besteche (1st PersonSingular)
  • du bestechest (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er besteche (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir bestechen (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr bestechet (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie bestechen (3rd PersonPlural)


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