Present Subjunctive of German verb erinnern

The conjugation of erinnern (remember, remind of) in subjunctive I is: ich erinn(e)re, du erinnerst, er erinn(e)re, wir erinnern, ihr erinnert, sie erinnern. The endings -e, -st, -e, -n, -t, -n are appended to the base or verb stem inner. The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the subjunctive I tense.


Examples of Active Present Subjunctive of the verb erinnern

  • Bitte erinnere mich daran, den Bericht abzugeben. 


Translation of German erinnern

German erinnern
English remember, remind of, remind, remind (of), be evocative (of), put in mind (of), bring to mind, be reminiscent (of)
Russian запоминать, вспоминать, помнить, напоминать, припоминать, вспомнить, напомнить, припомнить
Spanish recordar, acordarse, conmemorar, acordarse de, hacer memoria, evocar
French rappeler, souvenir, être évocateurrice de, être évocateur de, faire penser à, rappeler à, avoir souvenir de, se ressouvenir de
Turkish hatırlamak, akla gelmek, hatirlatmak, hatırlatmak, çağrıştırmak
Portuguese lembrar-se, recordar-se, recordar de, lembrar de, lembrar-se de, recordar, lembrar
Italian ricordare, rammentare, ricordare a, tenere a mente, rimembrarsi, rimembrare, rammentarsi di, ricordarsi di
Romanian aminti
Hungarian emlékezni, emlékezik, emlékeztet, emlékszik, eszébe jut
Polish pamiętać, przypominać o, przypominać, przypomnieć, przypominać sobie, zapamiętać, wspominać, wspomnieć
Greek θυμάμαι, θυμίζω, υπενθυμίζω
Dutch herinneren, zich herinneren
Czech vzpomenout si, vzpomínat, připomínat, připomenout
Swedish komma ihåg, minnas, påminna
Danish huske, minde
Japanese 覚える, 思い出す, 思い出せる, 思い出させる
Finnish muistaa, muistella, muistuttaa
Norwegian huske, å huske, å minne
Serbian сећати се
Ukrainian згадувати, пам'ятати, пригадувати, нагадувати, згадувати
Bulgarian спомням, припомням, напомням, помня
Belorussian запамінаць
Arabicتذكر، ذكر
Persianبه خاطر سپردن، به یاد آوردن، یادآوری کردن، به یاد داشتن، شناختن
Urduیاد دلانا، یاد آنا، یاد کرنا

erinnern in
erinnern in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present Subjunctive of erinnern

The verb erinnern fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Subjunctive Present

Subjunctive PresentForm of possibility

  • ich erinn(e)re (1st PersonSingular)
  • du erinnerst (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er erinn(e)re (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir erinnern (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr erinnert (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie erinnern (3rd PersonPlural)


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