Present Subjunctive of German verb erreichen

The conjugation of erreichen (reach, acquire) in subjunctive I is: ich erreiche, du erreichest, er erreiche, wir erreichen, ihr erreichet, sie erreichen. The endings -e, -est, -e, -en, -et, -en are appended to the base or verb stem reich. The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the subjunctive I tense.


Translation of German erreichen

German erreichen
English reach, acquire, attain, achieve, accomplish, get through, approach, arrive at
Russian достигать, связаться, добиваться, достигнуть, доставать, добиться, достать, достичь
Spanish alcanzar, lograr, contactar, llegar a, hacerse con, conseguir, agenciar, obtener
French attraper, atteindre, totaliser, parvenir à, arriver à, obtenir, gagner, joindre
Turkish erişmek, ulaşmak, kavuşmak, yetişmek
Portuguese alcançar, atingir, contactar, conseguir, impetrar, lograr, conseguir falar com, contatar
Italian raggiungere, addivenire a, aggiudicarsi, totalizzare, accedere a, conseguire, ottenere, sortire
Romanian atinge, împlini, ajunge la
Hungarian elér, utolér
Polish osiągnąć, osiągać, skontaktować z, docierać do
Greek κατορθώνω, προφθαίνω, καταφέρνω, βρίσκω, φθάνω
Dutch bereiken
Czech dosahovat, dosáhnout, dostat se, dorazit, dosahovatsáhnout, dostihovathnout, zastihovathnout, doháněthonit
Swedish hinna med, nå, uppnå, hinna, nå fram till, få tag i, träffa
Japanese 達成する, 連絡がとれる, 間に合う, 達する, 遂げる, 届く, 着く, 及ぶ
Catalan atènyer, aconseguir
Finnish tavoittaa, saavuttaa, ylettyä, kohota, päästä, keritä, ehtiä, saada
Norwegian rekke, oppnå, nå
Basque heldu, lortu
Serbian dohvatiti, dostići, postići, докучити, досегнути
Ukrainian добиватися чогось, досягати, здійснити, досягнути цілі
Bulgarian достигам
Arabicحقق، وصل لهدف ما، الحصول على، أدرك، بلغ، لحق
Persianرسیدن، دسترسی پیداکردن، دست پیداکردن، بدست آوردن، احرازکردن، تماس گرفتن، به هدف رسیدن، نائل شدن
Urduپہنچنا، حاصل کرنا

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erreichen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present Subjunctive of erreichen

The verb erreichen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Subjunctive Present

Subjunctive PresentForm of possibility

  • ich erreiche (1st PersonSingular)
  • du erreichest (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er erreiche (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir erreichen (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr erreichet (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie erreichen (3rd PersonPlural)


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